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Page 7

Posted 1/16/04 **Click on the picture to get a larger view**

Winter and New Year's Eve


Graduation at the Deavaney Sports complex, I was relieved that most of my family showed up Oudon showing off 'his' degree too, along with Phouk's dad Noy and his family showed up too J and my mom Noy and family (baby Jessica) Rare appearance by Nong

New Year's Eve of 2003
Partying the New Year's night away at Rob and Channing's house: me, Ryan, Channing, Rob Before the house party, we were chilln' at the Holiday Inn at the Images Lounge Bar At Ruff's bar after dinner on New year's eve At Ruff's with Phouk and Chance too Channing being dragged away by his women

Next generations, L-R: Kon, Ker & Mimi, Chrity & Jessica, Dala Redone of my favorite picture Picking up my grandma after her trip to Laos

Wes, Kristi, & Matthew
My best friend since high school, Wes, his wife Kristi and their son Matthew

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