Role-Play # Next Victim Record Next Match
#37 Matt Hardy W :12 D : 01 L : 06

vs. Big Show

Acheivements - wMe United States Champion. wMe Slam Royal Rumble 03 Co-Winner.

Beaten Opponents - Jamie Noble, Ken Shamrock (2), Batista, Grandmaster Sexay, Chris Jericho, Shawn Micheals, Steve Corino, Tommy Dreamer, Mr. Perfect, Jeff Hardy, Low-Ki, Matt Hardy (2), Slam Royal Rumble Participants, Sid Vicious

Alright, Disclaimers suck.. but what the hell.. This rp layout was given to me by wMe's Batista. Which means only I wMe's Sean O'Haire can use it... any cock-suckers nick it and there will be hell to pay. I'm fuckin fed up of people either stealin my layouts or rps. I'm fuckin done with it.


--- I'm Not Telling You Anything.....

Sean O'Haire had a decision to make at wMe Downfall. The former Slam superstar had been making appearences on Smackdown in the run-up to Downfall, and no one knew which show he was on anymore. It looked likely that Sean would stick with Smackdown before Downfall, but at the event itself, Slam GM Eric Bischoff offered Sean a title shot at the WM2K1 World Title at the next pay per view, wMe Guilty As Charged. Smackdown's GM Paul Heyman couldn't better that offer, so at the next Slam, we saw Sean O'Haire making a appearence, attacking new WM2K World Champion, Matt Hardy on his own appreciation night, and then hitting the Cruel Intentions on the Big Show before lifting the WM2K1 Title in the air to end Slam. With only one Slam left before wMe Guilty As Charged where we will see Sean O'Haire vs Matt Hardy, WM2K1 Title on the line, Big Show will try to get some revenge on Sean for last Slam's events when he faces him in a one on one match. O'Haire hasn't had a match since he lost to Rikishi in a one hour ironman match that headlined wMe WrestleMania 2, but he showed no ring rust when he attacked the two MF'ers last Slam. This being Sean's last match before he faces Matt Hardy in a as yet unannounced match for the WM2K1 World Title, he needs a win.

--- ...That You Dont Already Know

Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Time: 10.23 AM
Scene: South Street

The scene opens in South Street, Philadelphia. The camera is placed on one side of the road as it focuses on the other, cars going in and out of screen. In-direct line of the camera is "Henry's Sporting Goods". Down that side of the street is parking spaces with a meter at the front of each one. As the camera remains motionless, just watching cars zoom in and out of screen from both sides, and also people walking across, a very beautiful silver Porsche Boxter S convertible - I'm talking hotness on wheels here - pulls into screen and parks up. The top is down so the first person to be shown - and in the driving seat - is Sean O'Haire, sunglasses on his face as he switches the engine off. The passenger door then opens as you see "Rowdy" Roddy Piper step out. Piper is dressed in his usual attire of black jacket, Pipers Pit t-shirt, but instead of a kilt he wears black trousers - thank God. Piper then shuts the door behind him and turns back towards the door as he waits for O'Haire to get out. Sean waits for a car to drive past, before opening the door and then stepping out, wearing a black t-shirt and trousers as he makes his way onto the pavement as he faces Piper. Sean- This the store? O'Haire then looks into "Henry's Sporting Goods". Piper- Yeah, I've been told they have some pretty sweet offers on Golf Clubs. O'Haire then looks up the street and see's a vender on the street corner selling flowers. Sean- Okay. You go in there, while I'll just wander around a bit y'know. Piper then heads into the store as O'Haire walks up the street, passing people by as he walks along, not being noticed. O'Haire then walks up to the vender as a definitely camp looking bloke stands by. Sean comes to a halt as he looks at the flowers on offer. Flower Guy- Can I help you sir? Yup, we have confirmation. This guy DEFINITELY sounds very camp. Sean- Err... I'm looking for something... Y'know... For a lady friend. Flower Guy- Ahhh I know exactly what you mean. Sean looks at him wierdly. As if he doesn't know what he's talking about. Sean- Right... You got any suggestions? Flower Guy- Roses are the number one choice for people wanting to express their love. Sean- Right... So buying roses for her will help me get laid? O'Haire then laughs uncontrollably. Sean- Sorry. That was a joke y'know. So how much for the roses? Flower Guy- Well you can buy a whole bouquet for $30. But I find a single rose all the more affectionate. Sean- Ah. Yeah, I'll take one rose then. The Flower Guy then reaches down and hands Sean a rose. Flower Guy- That'll be $5 please. Sean then reaches into his wallet and then hands the Flower Guy his money. Flower Guy- Pleasure doing business with you. Sean then politely smiles and then walks away, back up the street. He then walks back up to "Henry's Sporting Goods" to find Piper already out of the store, a bag of Golf Clubs slung around his shoulder. Piper then notices Sean as he walks up and see's the flower in his hand. Piper- That for me? You shouldn't have. Piper chuckles while Sean smiles. Sean- Fat chance. It's for Trish. Piper- Trish? As in Stratus? As in girl who turned you down last month? Sean- None other than. Piper- Why? She's turned you down before. Sean- Yeah. She won't again. Once I set my mind to something, I always get what I want. Sean smirks almost deviously. Sean- And now I want two things. Piper- Let me guess. Trish... And the WM2K1 World Title. Sean- Roddy... You know me so well. Both men chuckle. Sean- Am I that easy to figure out? Have I grown that boring and repetative? Piper- No. Just that you've been focusing all your aim on those two things recently. Sean- Yeah. And if you ask me, I'm going to aquire the both of them sooner than you think. Sean smirks and then chuckles. Sean- And of course... Sean then turns back to his car to see a male Meter Maid placing a ticket on the windshield of his car. Sean- What the hell!? Sean then rushes over the front of car, picking up the ticket off of the windscreen as the Meter Maid walks away. Sean- Excuse me!! The Meter Maid then turns and faces Sean. Meter Maid- Yeah? Sean- What the hell is this?! Sean waves the ticket in the air. Meter Maid- You didn't pay the meter. Sean- We were only here five minutes top! Do you know who the hell I am?! Meter Maid- Nope. Sean- What?! Meter Maid- I don't know who the hell you are. Now if you'll excuse me, I've gotta go do my job. The Meter Maid then leaves in a huff as he climbs into his Cart as Sean watches on open-mouthed. Sean then hurrys back over to the pavement and takes a Nine Iron Club out of Piper's Golf Bag before Piper can do anything, as O'Haire walks back over to the cart. Piper- Sean... SEAN!! As the Meter Maid switches the engine on, the first crack of the nine hour comes down on the windshield, Sean ranting and screaming as he lands more blows to the cart, people watching in awe. Sean- YOU WERE NOT FUCKIN EXCUSED!! DO YOU KNOW WHO THE FUCK I AM NOW!? The Meter Maid hurrys the hell outta the cart from the other end as Sean beats the hell out of it. With one final blow, the windsheild caves in and then Sean stops swinging, glass all over the seat. Sean then walks around the front of the cart to the pavement and then menacingly points the club at the too shocked to move Meter Maid. Sean- You know who the fuck I am now?! Huh?! The Meter Maid then slowly starts to back away as Sean continues to walk towards him, golf club still pointing out. Suddenly Piper then comes between the two men as he holds his hands up defensively in the air. Piper- Sean.... Please reconsider this. Sean then brings down the golf club to his side as he grunts out. Piper- C'mon... Get in the car... I think I better drive. Piper then walks towards Sean, and then slings a arm around his shoulder as he leads him towards the passender side of the car. The Meter Maid seizing his opportunity then runs back to the cart, climbs in and then switches on the engine before yelling back. Meter Maid- YOU'RE A CRAZY SON OF A BITCH MAN!! Piper then has to restrain Sean, one foot in the car the other on the pavement, as he attempts to get at the Meter Maid. The Cart then speeds away at lightning speed as the Meter Maid makes his get-a-way. Piper- Let him go Sean... LET HIM GO. Sean then stops to resist against Piper as he watched the cart speed off, Sean growling at it one last time. Piper then takes the club off of Sean as he climbs into the car. Piper then slides the club back into the bag as he walks over to the passenger side. Piper- Damn man, can we go out without you destroying something for a change? Piper then chucks the bag in the back, then opens the drivers door before climbing in, shutting the door behind him. Piper- You want the radio on? Sean- Whatever, I don't care. Piper sighs out, knowing that Sean isn't in a talking mood so the radio is the best option. Piper then switches the engine on, and then reaches over to turn the radio on before moving back. The radio station Piper unfortunately turned on turns out to be q120 as the sounds of 50 Cent's drivel, "In The Club" blurts out. Sean is non-too pleased with what is playing, as his face shows it. Sean- Turn this shit off please. Like, now. Piper then changes station and then bagpipe music begins to play. Sean's face register shock and horror as he stares at Piper. Piper- Hey, now this is what I call REAL music. Sean- What... The heck... Is this? Piper- Bagpipes. Y'know it takes a certain amount of skill to play the bagpipes. Man, I remember my younger days back in Glasgow when I used to play bars. Just me and my bagpipes. Ahhhh the chicks used to love me, I'm telling you. Sean- Right... Could you turn it off please? Sean then opens the glove compartment in front of him, and then pulls out a CD case. Sean- Here, put this on. Piper then inspects the front cover. Piper- "Queens Of The Stone Age"? Never heard of them. Sean- Put it on. It's songs for people like you. Piper- "Songs For The Deaf"? Sean- Well, your getting there. Piper- Look at that. "Parental Advisory Explicit Content". I tell ya, music these days is just swearing and shouting. No wonder kids these days are so messed up. Sean- Roddy... Put it on... Be quiet.. And drive. We've got a house show later tonight. Piper then opens the CD case, and takes out the CD itself as the scene fades.

Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Time: 04.52 PM
Scene: Sean O'Haire's Locker Room

The scene opens in Sean O'Haire's locker room, a wMe Slam House Show about to start at 5.00 PM. Sean is sat down on a steel chair, slipping into his wrestling boots. Already dressed in his wrestling attire, his custom leather jacket slung over the table next to him. Sean then puts the last boot on his right foot and then leans back in the chair, sighing out. His locker room door then opens as Sean leans back up, Roddy Piper walking into the room, shutting the door behind him as he faces Sean stood up. Sean- Well? Piper- Your on third. Sean- Third? Out of eight matches on the card? Piper- Yeah. Sean- What kind of bullshit is that? I'm the biggest star on Slam, and I'm wrestling THIRD?! At a HOUSE SHOW?! Who the hell booked this match?! Piper- I dunno. Don't you want to know who your facing? Sean- Who am I then? Piper- Tajiri. Piper then tries his best to supress a snigger. Sean- As in short, Japanese bloke? Sean looks down as he almost laughs. Sean- What idiot booked this Goddamn match? Okay, I'm the biggest star on Slam. My picture was used to advertise this show, get the crowd in y'know, just to see me. And I'm facing someone like Tajiri? Okay, that sucks. This Monday I'm going to be facing the Big Show. Former WCW World Champion. Former WWE World Champion. Now carries the title of Matt Hardy's bitch. I can understand having to face Show on Slam this week. I mean, Matt Hardy's going to be scared of facing me at Guilty As Charged. He knows that I'm the next WM2K1 World Champion. He knows that I got screwed at WrestleMania, and that the next time I get a title shot, I wont fail. At Guilty As Charged, the title is as good as mine. So now he's sent out Big Show to analyze any weaknesses I might have. He reckons if he can get Show to injure me, he might have a chance of winning next Sunday. But he's wrong. I can beat Show. I've shown that I can lift him up and drop him with the Cruel Intentions. I've already held the WM2K1 World Title, and Matt Hardy knows that that was no one-off occurance. I'm going to be doing the same thing after Guilty As Charged. O'Haire then smirks as he lifts his head back up. Sean- I've beaten Matt Hardy before. In fact two times. Once a straight up pinfall to become the 30th entrant in the Royal Rumble. That was a one on one match. And another pinfall when I eliminated him from the Double Jeapordy match we were both involved in at the No Way Out pay per view. And even though it doesn't technically count, I've also chucked him over the top rope in a Battle Royal match one Slam. So.... Hardy's never beaten me. No matter how many times we've been in the same ring together, he's not once got the better of me. And what's changed exactly since then? I'm still the challenger going after the WM2K1 World Title. But now he actually holds that title. Does that automatically now make him have some sort of advantage over me? No. I've beaten him before. I'll beat him again. I'll even beat his big bitch, Big Show, this Slam just as a message to Matt Hardy. I'm coming for your title.... And there's nothing you can do about it. O'Haire then sighs out as he gets out of his seat and picks up his jacket. O'Haire then slings it on, as he begins to fasten up the buttons. Sean- So how long until the match? Piper- Well I'd wager it's gone five now. I think I heard the show start a couple of minutes ago... I'd say that you've got at least 20 minutes left before your match with Tajiri. Sean- Alright. And just so you know, I won't be needing you out there. I can take care of Tajiri on my own. Piper- That works out fine for me. There's a bar somewhere in the arena, I'll just head there for the time being. Sean- That's cool. Sean sighs out, bored. Sean- I think I'll just watch the matches, and wait until mine. O'Haire then passes Piper as he walks out of the locker room. Ending scene.

Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Time: 05.24 PM
Scene: In The Ring

The scene opens in the arena, loads of fans in the packed out arena to watch this House Show. Alex Wright is shown walking up the rampway, clutching his head after suffering a loss. Tony Chimel is then shown, walking up the steel ring steps as he climbs in, mic in hand. A small "Tony! Tony! Tony!" chant breaks out from one side of the arena as he smiles. He then stands in the centre of the ring as he brings the mic up to his lips. Tony- The following contest is scheduled for one fall... Tony then trails off as there's a few seconds of silence. Suddenly Fuel's "Wont Back Down" hits the speakers as the fans erupt in cheers. Tony- Introducing first from Hilton Head, South Carolina... Sean O'Haire then walks through the curtain to a even bigger pop than the one he got when his music played. Sean then slowly starts to walk down the rampway, eyeing up fans on either side. Tony- ....SEAN O'HAIRE!!! Sean then makes his way down to the ring and then slides under the bottom rope into the ring. The music continues to blast as O'Haire stands in the ring, arms out-stretched at waist level, palms up, as he moves around in a full circle allowing people to take pictures of him. Sean then stops his posing as his hands move to start un-buttoning his jacket as the music dies down. O'Haire then removes the jacket and then hands it to a stage hand outside the ring. Sean then paces around the ring for a moment before the Japanese sounding music of Tajiri's plays on the speakers to quite a loud cheer from the crowd. Before Tajiri can even make his way out, Sean then walks over to the turnbuckle and then pulls himself up, sitting down on the top turnbuckle, looking out to the entrance waiting for Tajiri. Tajiri then comes forth through the curtain and then makes his way down the rampway to a warm reception from the crowd. He then walks up the steel ring steps, then makes his way up onto the turnbuckle opposite Sean. Sean keeps a hand on his chin as he watches Tajiri, only for Tajiri to sit down on the turnbuckle opposite and then mimic Sean's action which provokes a grin from O'Haire. Tajiri then leaps down off the turnbuckle and waits on the one side of the ring, as O'Haire slowly brings himself back down onto the ground, standing tall as he stares down the smaller man in Tajiri. The bell then rings as Tony makes his way out of the ring and this match is underway.....

Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Time: 05.36 PM
Scene: Later On...

The scene re-opens at least 8 minutes later. Tajiri is propped up against a turnbuckle, looking out of it, as O'Haire charges towards him for some sort of move. Tajiri is able to entirely side-step Sean, forcing him to head into a collusion course with the turnbuckle, as Tajiri takes advantage of the situation, locking Sean into the Tarantula. The ref then begins a five count, as this hold is illegal, but he only manages to get up to four, before Tajiri releases. O'Haire then slumps down onto the floor, layed out on his front as Tajiri remains stood up in the ring, waiting for O'Haire to get back to his feet, signalling for the end. O'Haire slowly uses the ropes to get back up, but when he pushes himself off of the ropes to stand alone, Tajiri connects with a vicious roundhouse kick to Sean's jaw, taking him down. He then wastes little time in dropping down to cover Sean, as the ref goes down also. 1... 2... No, Sean places a foot on the ropes. Tajiri gets back up onto his knees as he argues with the ref. The ref then also gets back onto his feet as Tajiri continues to argue with him, backing him across the ring. Out of nowhere, Sean O'Haire comes from behind, pushes Tajir into the ring ropes, and when he bounces back, he's scooped up into the Cruel Intentions. The crowd pop wildly at O'Haire's finishing move, as Sean goes right into the cover, as the ref drops down to the floor. 1... 2... 3! This one's all over as the fans cheer wildly. Sean takes his time getting back to his feet, panting heavy as this small cruserweight almost got the better of him. Not a good sign when he's got to face someone like Big Show this Monday. The ref then goes to raise Sean's arm up in victory, but Sean pulls his hand away before he gets chance. Sean then heads over to the ring apron and then shouts down for a mic off of Tony Chimel. Tony then gets out of his seat and hands it to him. Sean then walks back over to the turnbuckle corner where he originally sat down, and then rests up against it, slightly panting into the mic. Sean- Tajiri.... Sean then walks away from the turnbuckle towards Tajiri who is still struggling to get back up. Sean then stands over him, looking down as he holds the mic to his mouth. The fans still unsure as to what the master of mind games will do next. Sean- Get up.. C'mon Tajiri... Get up! The crowd is dead silent as Tajiri uses the ring ropes to pull himself up, him standing but his back to Sean. Sean- C'mon, face me Tajiri. Tajiri then turns around to face Sean, back still leaning against the ropes. Sean- Now I've got something to say to you. No, I think words are better than actions... O'Haire then holds his hand out for a handshake, but Tajiri flinches, expecting a attack. It takes a few seconds for him to register that Sean hasn't attacked him, before staring down at Sean. Puzzled at this sudden change in Sean. Is he a face now? Tajiri then extends his hand also and the two shake to a cheer from the crowd. The two then end their handshake, then Tajiri leaves the ring, getting well-deserved applause from the crowd for their great match. Sean then waits before Tajiri to leave before bringing the mic back up to his mouth. Sean- I'd personally like to thank you all for coming out tonight. How many of you have got tickets for Slam this Monday? There is then cheering from fans all around the building. Sean- That many, huh? Well I guess you all know by now that this is the last Slam before Guilty As Charged. The last Slam before I become the next WM2K1 World Champion. Loads of cheers to which Sean smiles. Sean- And this Monday, I'm going to be facing Version 1's biggest MF'er... The Big Show. Now is it just coincidence that Big Show is the biggest MF'er on the face of this planet? The guy looks like he's the result of incest and everything. And what kind of name is the Big Show I ask you? I mean he's not the real Big Show. Hell no. Well at least not to the ladies, as I've got something big that will give you one hell of a show! Massive wolf-whistles from the ladies as Sean chuckles. Sean- Oh yeah, I'm true to my words ladies. You know that I love all the ladies of Philadelphia, don't you right? Sean smiles as the females cheer. Sean- Cos a lot of hot ladies came out of Philly. P!nk. Now she isn't like most girls. And then we've got Eve. Hell, she can blow my.... Mind anytime. Sean then chuckles into the mic and looks out into the crowd. He then see's a sign with a picture of him on it with the words "Sean O'Hotness". Sean then smiles and points towards the sign. Sean- Sean O'Hotness, huh? He chuckles and then brings his hand back down. Sean- But once again I'd like to say thank you for coming. Thank you for cheering for me. Me and Tajiri put on a great match in my opinion, and I have a lot of respect for him. One son of a bitch who I don't respect however is Big Show. Hell, make that two sons of bitches. Big Show and Matt Hardy. Show's going to get what's coming to him this Monday night when I lift his lard ass up in the Cruel Intentions for the pinfall. And Matt Hardy's not only going to lose to me at Guilty As Charged, he's also going to lose his WM2K1 World Title. He's going to lose all his pride. All his dignity. And people... I'm not telling you anything you don't already know. Sean then smiles as he turns his back and begins to walk towards the ring ropes. He slings one leg out onto the outside ring apron before turning back, mic back upto his mouth. Sean- Enjoy the show. Sean then makes his way out of the ring to thunderous applause from the crowd. He then hands the mic back to Tony Chimel before making his way up the entrance, slapping hands with the fans at front row. Ending scene.