Pictures Part 10

Stop the insanity!


One her hair looks really fake. Two is it just me or does she look twelve here. comment.


ummm...holding your crotch in public is a no no. Britney, stop doing it.


This is how would Britney will sell more hotdogs.

Oh yea, like Britney knows anything about cars. She is probably having a difficult time placing what the hell she is holding to how it applies to a car.

I don't know where to start without using rude names. She looks get the picture.

Yes, Britney, should have been praying for talent years ago. lol.

No, Britney, you are suppose to sing into the mike not eat it. Then again it's not like you have had much experience with live singing, so you really wouldn't know the proper use of a mike.

Look flower child Britney. Only Britney's motto isn't Peace, Love and Happiness, but Money, Fame, and Partying.

(In the right top corner says: Is Brit the most beautiful of today's popstars?) Hell NO! maybe the most revealing, but definitely not the most beautiful.

Look if you buy Britney's "special album" you get a fake autographed photo. How special...NOT!

Uhh comment.

And to think...she really thinks she looks good. LOL.

Now she is riding guys at her concerts! Great addition to the show Brit!

That look is way too innocent for wonder it cost Pepsi millions to get Britney to do the endorsement. They had to pay her to put clothes on. lol.

She has to do photo shoots with her awards because nobody would believe she really won them. lol.

Pull up please!

What the hell is she wearing!?

Ahhh!!!! The angel of hell!!!!! She really has a problem with picking an length to her clothes.

It's Satan herself. lol

I'm sorry...I try to refrain from using this word but there is no way of better describing this picture. It's a TEEN SLUT!

Is it just me or does she look like she is flipping off the audience? lol. And, Britney, your shirt is becoming untied!

Even Jessica warned her that she was falling out, but did she listen...noooo.

No, that's a liar, Britney. Close though...really close.

Oh no...She's been caught! lol. What is with the wrist bands?

Ahhhh!!!! Put some make-up are staring to look like Odo from DS9.

Look she is eating metallic grapes...told you she was an alien.

I'm not really sure if this is her, but I have found it on a couple of Britney fan sites so...Is it just me, or is there many things wrong with this pic? PUT SOME CLOTHES ON!

Oh look...Britney is wearing a see through shirt...what a shock...NOT!

Careful, Britney, fake hair is very flammable. lol.

Oh look Britney's shirt is all shredded...another shock. Britney, when it's ripped that is usually a sign that you shouldn't buy it. SAY NO TO RIPPED CLOTHES!

What a waste! Now the question is did I mean Britney or the milk.

A lovely picture of Britney's tattoo that can only be seen if she wears really low riding wonder it's so easily visible.

(Says on top: Britney is Incredibly Photogenic-It's almost impossible to take a bad picture of her.) My ASS!!!!! comment. Oh my god...*laughs hysterically*

EWWWWWWW!!!!!Enough said.

Pictures Part 11