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My Home Page

The Hardest Thing about Making this Web Page

Well, this is pretty new to me, but I have always wanted to make a web site and I am sure I will be able to get the hang of this even if it is so frusturating! I am just testing this out right now, so don't get your hopes up on seeing anything great. I tried geocities, but I give it a thousand thumbs down! No offense to my math teacher but it's for people who don't even know what HTML stands for, because it doesn't let you even try it, and uploading pictures on it is like trying to talk to a door knob....

My name is Sara and I am 12 years old. I am currently in the 6th grade. Above is a picture of my birthday party at a bowling alley with some of my friends. Some of my hobbies are writing, drawing, and fiddling around on the computer (I haven't broken anything yet!). Like I said, I am new to this, but I really hope I can figure this all out. I started on a beginner's verion that let me choose things and it did the HTML for me, but now I am doing an all HTML website, so I am pretty excited. I am eventually going to put some cool puzzles and stuff on here when I stop being lazy. I am also going to make a photo album with a whole bunch of crazy pictures of me and my crazy friends, so hang on...

My Favorite Web sites

Angelfire Home Pages
Homestar Runner
