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The Big Fight

Once apon a a galaxy far far away....

One day I was walking through a park when I came across my old enemy

And a battle ensued

We took it to the ocean

We took it to the people

We took it to the moon

Some places we drew a crowd

Priceless works of art were in danger

We took it to the ring

Even during our favorite movie

No one was safe

He Told me if I did not give in, he would turn me against myself

I laughed and he told me stranger things have happened

We then spoke at great length about why he was upset at me
We became friends, then we went on a trip together

It Changed the way to see each other, and now we are friends, close friends.

Sometimes, I even see him after work

We share personal milestones

Visit old Friends

Enjoy a quiet day fishing together

Bonded on the field

Have a night out on the town...

...then played a friendly game of pool

We had a day at the beach

We did a little invading

Then invaded Las Vegas

We go for bike rides

I visit Darth at his new job for a freebe

He holds meetings

We do our fruit shopping together

We don't always agree,
There is one thing that we do agree on....

Have an idea, a place you would like to see Mike and Darth hanging out or Fighting?
Simply email me your thoughts and I will make it happen.
