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MeGaN’s WeBpAgE
"...Come on down, where the water tastes sweet, dive into my ocean, bring your love to me..."


..aBoUt Me...

My name is Megan. I am a sophomore at Alleghany and I live in the middle of no where! I play basketball and golf even thought I'm not very good at either of them, and I love hanging out on Lake Norman. I am into water skiing, riding jet skis, and knee-boarding. My favorite thing to do is talk and I seem to be very good at it. :) I absolutly love shopping and going to the mall. I hate living in a small town and I can't wait to get away from hickville and move to a city.

My TotAlLy aWeSoMe FrIeNdS

I aM a HUGE DuKe bAsKeTbAll fAn!!!!

If yOu HaVeNt SeEn tHiS fLiPpIn AwEsOmE mOvIe..GO RENT IT!!!!

The best website ever...check it out!

WhOeVeR sAiD moNeY cOuLdN't bUy HaPpInEsS, wAs ShOpPiNg At ThE wRoNg MaLL!
To sum it all up...
...guyz are is good...Napoleon Dynamite is the coolest ever...talking on the phone is good...sleeping is is great...being bored sucks...friends are is great...duke is awesome...
Page Background
TLC Lyrics
Dolphin Graphics
Duke Pictures
Napoleon Dynamite1
Napoleon Dynamite2
Napoleon Dynamite3
Mall Photo