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All about NJROTC

The Naval Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps is a High School course that teaches Honor, Courage, Commitment, and Attention to Detail. Maury High School has had an NJROTC unit for some time now. Maury was once the only High School in Norfolk to have a NJROTC program. Because of Maury the other Norfolk high Schools were able to host a unit. We have recieved Distinguished unit numerous times including 2002. Our unit's NSI's are Captain John Warren and Master chief Linda Fox, both retired navy servicemen. Together this magnificent duo have recieved the best NSI team award in area five many times. We're a proud unit and this website is another way for us to show you that.

Maury Navy JROTC is an elective that focuses directly on the students' citizenship. In fact, the mission of JROTC is To motivate young people to be better citizens. The purpose of JROTC IS NOT to recruit students into the military, but is rather to educate students and provide them with more options later on in life. During the course, students will study the military and how it is run, it's history, leadership, and other topics related to Necessary real world knowledge. Extreme emphasis is placed on honesty, courage, and commitment.

About Us


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Copyright MHS NJROTC 2002-2003 Webmasters are Cadet Seamen John & Glenn Espinosa  

T-E-A-M: T.ogether E.veryone A.chieves M.ore