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Afghans for Angels - Maine Chapter

Afghans for Angels - Maine

Homemade blankets for grieving families

From our angels to yours

Who we are

Afghans for Angels is an organization made up completely of volunteers who make and deliver baby blankets to local hospitals to give to parents who have suffered the loss of their infant through miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant death. Our "Afghans for Angels" are placed lovingly around these infant angels when they are held by their families for the brief time in which bittersweet hello and sad goodbyes are said. The parents are then allowed to keep these afghans as a token of remembrance of their baby.

Our History

In 1996, a precious little boy was born. Only he had already gone to become an angel and we would never be allowed to see his eyes open. It was a very sad day. This lovely little baby was wrapped in a blanket to be held and loved by his family for the short, but precious, time during which hellos and goodbyes had to be said. Then there was nothing left to hold but the blanket he had been wrapped in.

This was his blanket. It was one of only a few tangible remembrances of a precious armful of love. But this blanket was a simple receiving blanket that held coutless little babies before him. It was washed and worn, and nothing special in its own right. How much more special it would have been if he only could have been cradled in his own homemade, special blanket that had been used only by him.

Thus, the idea of the "Afghans for Angels" project was created.

My history and why I started the Maine Chapter

In 2003 I become pregnant with my first child. I woke up one morning and my water broke. There was no bleeding, just a flow of fluid. I was seen first thing that morning by a nurse at the doctors office. Tests and an ultrasound showed what we already know. There was no fluid. At the hospital with the help of contraction medication, I gave birth to a little boy. I was given footprints, pictures, and the small blanket they had taken his picture on. I was 16 weeks along.

In December 2003 I found out that I was pregnant again. To say the least I was a nut case. Things just didn't seem right and I was at the doctor every two weeks. Exam after exam showed otherwise. Things seemed to be progressing normally. I started having cramps and called the doctor. My water broke while I was in the emergancy room. I was once again given medications to make the contractions stronger. Four hours 10 minutes later I gave birth to my little girl. This time I was 17 weeks 3 days along. This time I was given only her set of footprints and handprints. No blanket that I could say was hers.

Again I discovered I was pregnant in June 2004. I was paralyzed by fear. I was afraid to go anywhere. I stopped working so I could be as easy on myself as possible. I knew in my heart this this pregnancy was not going to be successful either. From the beginning I cried for a baby that I hadn't even lost yet. The decision was to put a cerlage in, that was done on September 1st. My Sept. 16th appoitment showed something appeared to be coming past my stitch. I was told to go home and be on bedrest until my appt the next day. A few hours later, at home, something felt as if it let go and about an hour later I started having contractions. An exam at the hospital showed my babies foot and leg had passed my stitch and probably wouldn't go back in. On Sept 17, 2004 at 2:17 am Ryan Patrick was born. I was just over 16 weeeks. This time I had prints and photos.This time I held him.

That is why I started an Afghans for Angels chapter here in Maine. Each blanket is in memory of my angles, Garrett, Laura, and Ryan in hopes that they will bring you comfort.

How you can help

If you can knit, crochet, quilt, or creatively decorate purchased blankets we would LOVE to have your help.

Blankets need not be larger then 2 foot square, but smaller and larger are most welcome.

Any extra special touches are also welcome, that is what will make each blanket special and unique.

We also encourage people who wish to help us, but are unable to make the blankets, by donating their time or purchasing materials. We can always use yarn in baby colors, old fashioned diaper pins, tissue paper, apparel boxes and office supplies.

If you already have blankets made and would like to donate them just let us know and we will have someone pick them up.

We need to get the word out. The more volunteers we have, the more families we will serve. The more families we serve the greater the understanding that there was indeed a child and that they are the parents of this child and the child will be remembered.

Our goal

To assure that every family who looses a child has a blanket to remember them by.

To raise awareness of Pregnancy and Infant Loss.

To never let our babies be forgotten

Additional Pregnancy and Infant Loss Notes

I am looking for people who would like to help organize remembrance events and be volunteers for a new non-profit support center here in Maine. We will be trying to get the word out to our communities that babies lost to Pregnancy and Infant Loss are loved and remembered. We also would like to organize a candlelight memorial service, memory walk, and establish a memorial garden for all babies lost. Please click here for more information.

We are also looking for people who can make VERY small hats, booties and gowns. I would like to include a outfit with each small blanket since babies lost, especailly to miscarriage, will have nothing in their size should the parents want to see their children.

Thank You

I would also like to thank everyone who has contacted me about making blankets, hats, gowns, and booties. We have been able to supply two hospitals in the State so far and a third has started their own Afghans for Angles group so that families all over the State will have something to remember their babies by. If you would like to view some of the sets that have been given to hospitals click here

How you can reach us

Afghans for Angels
C/O Faith Parks
223 Williams Road
Newport, Maine 04953

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My favorite places

A Place to Remember
A Quiet Refuge
Ten Toe Momento
What makes a mother - poem
Pregnancy and Infant Loss Rememberence Day
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Heartprints Photo Retouching
