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*I am OmniPresent

Ever feel like you want to just start all over again?

January 28, 2005
I want to make this entire site about Art. Beckie said she will host my site when she gets her server up and running. So, WORD, no more adds! But anyways, I start Art 3 in school soon, and I want to make this site a kind of portfolio or my writing, photography, and art. A lot of work ahead of me. Under construction for awhile.

January 23, 2005
Havn't updated in awhile... But I have made big changes on the page. There is somewhere around 4 feet of snow on the ground, so what else was I gonna do? Haha. Anyways, I want to work more on the site to get it exactly how I want it. But for now, I'm out.
p.s. Check out!!!!!
<3 Maggie

December 15, 2004
Just messing around a little with fonts, appearance, etc. I added to the [friends] page and did a little work on the [me] page. I'll be working on the site constantly.
<3 Maggie

December 14, 2004
I havn't done much work on the site lately, but I've decided I want to keep it up and work on it more often. So, I have been changing little things and bigger changes are coming.J MY BIRTHDAY IS ON THE 30th!!!!!!
<33 Maggie

May 1, 2004
I worked on the links page, and the friends page. I added more descriptions and such... I need to carry my camera around so I can have more pictures. But whaddya gonna do. School starts soon so I will do my best to work on the site.
<3 Maggie.

August 17, 2004
I am copying Beckie :P ... The site is up and running, but a lot of things are going to be changed. I am not happy with it. I need to do a lot of work to get all of my photography and writing up on the site. That will take awhile, but will eventually be done.
<3 Maggie.

layout originally designed by imbri. I have edited it.