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OK, I know I haven't been on here alot, but that is going to change. I got me a kick ass digital camera and I am taking pics like crazy! I added alot of pics on here of me, my bf, and some friends. If you are a friend and your pic isnt on here, let me know you want it on here and send me what you want to show and I will definetely put your pic up!
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This is me!!

Comments (3) | Add a Comment

Hey Amber this site is pretty kewl, but where are the pics of some El Dorado peeps?
YOU KNOW WHO | | June 05, 2005

Hey Sexy

Damn thats a hot pic
yeah this sites cool but i need to be on it
keep doing ur thing with the pics
Jason | | June 05, 2005

I will add some pics of you guys if you email them to me!! I dont have any..all I have is a couple of Kristina and Jason..none of anyone else on the computer.
Amber | June 06, 2005