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LIttLE liLLy'z PaGE Of mEee!!!

My Favorite Web Sites

reely kool site for msn screen names and quotes.
this is a new 1 i found recently which i get alot of my msn screen names from!!
this isa great site for free mobile stuff: logos,tones,pic msgz! check it out.

HAloooooooooooooooooo Im Lil_lilly :D n dis is my page so keep chekin it out. rite im goin 2 give u aloads stuff about myself now!! i was born on march 28th 1990. so im 13. my fave food is pizza! mmm!! hawaiian style. o yer my fave drink is CHERRY COKE!! yummy...o n dr pepperz kool. my favouritest color in the whole entire universe is ORANGE its so happy an bright and sunny. urm..i have dark blond hair which is just past my chin now since i had it cut ( BIG MISTAKE...NEVER HAVE SHORT HAIR U CAN'T PUT IT BACK IN A BOBBLE :(. )and i have blue eyes..i hate skool but hu doesnt. i love goin abroad and on aeroplanes how kool isit wen u take off and fly frou da clouds an wen u land and hit the ground and feel like u crashed. except ur ears pop and it hurts. i love shopping at the airport 2 not 2 mention getting a suntan and swimming and.....well thats about it. ok now enough about me lets talk about music. i like alot of different music but at the moment im reely in2 : "the all american rejects". i bought theyre album recently and its reely kool the songz r sooo catchy!!