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ForeverSpades Tournament Games

Games played in Beginner's Bistro

Bag or Set

Odd numbered hands all must bid 1......Even numbered hands all must bid 3

Bid 2/Baggers Beware

All players must bid 2....first team to bag out loses...if no team bags out then the team with the most bags loses.

Bid 3

All players must bid 3


Most Tricks: One hand only with the REAL person who takes the most tricks wins.   Robots tricks do not count.

Regular Spades with Bots:  Specified number of hands with a robot as your partner

Roulette:  One hand only with a robot as your partner

Suicide:  Played with robot as partners...either you or your robot must bid nil.

Bully Spades

Each hand will be different and will be stated in the rules page of the tournament

Copy Cat Spades

Copy your partners bid

Double Nil Passing

Played as regular spades with the option for a team falling behind 200 or more points being able to bid double nil and pass 2 cards to their partner.

High Jacked

Only the Jacks are worth points in this 3 handed game.  Each hand is worth a total of 4 points for the four Jacks.  Bids, Bags and score do not matter.   The winning team is the team that takes the most Jacks.

Last Man's Dead

Regular spades except that the last player to bid MUST bid must be even number of hands so each team has to bid nil the same number of times

Last Bidder is Boss/First Bidder is Boss

Each hand can be different

Last Bidder:  Game is called by the last player to bid......can be anything and is for that hand only

First Bidder:  Game is called by the first player to bid.....can be anything and is for that hand only

Lock It Up/Make Up The Difference

Last player to bid must bid to make the total 13

Losers Win

Team with the lowest score wins the game....what each player must bid will be stated on the rules page of the tournament

Lucky 7

First team to take 7 tricks wins the hand.....First team to win 7 hands wins the game.   Bids or score do not matter in this game

Low Riders/Unlucky 7

This game is just the oppisite of Lucky 7 in that you do NOT want more than 6 tricks.  Whichever team takes 7 tricks loses that hand.  Only 7 hands are played in this game.  Team winning the most of those 7 wins the game.

Make Up The Difference/Lock It Up

Last player to bid must bid to make the total 13


Mirror Clubs:  Each player must bid the number of clubs in their hand--total bid on the table must equal 13

Mirror Diamonds:  Each player must bid the number of diamonds in their hand--total bid is 13

Mirror Hearts:  Each player must bid the number of diamonds in their hand--total bid is 13

Mirror Spades:  Each player must bid the number of spades in their hand--total bid is 13

No Nils No Double Nils

Goes without player may bid nil or double nil

Odd or Even

Regular spades with the following exception:  If your partner bids odd number of tricks you must bid odd also......if your partner bids even number of tricks you must bid an even number also.

Psychic Spades

Your partner must tell you what to bid BEFORE you look at your cards

Quacky 1's

First player bids......second to bid must add 1 to previous bid...third to bid must add 1 to the second players bid and fourth to bid must add 1 to the third players bid

Regular Spades

Rated, unrated, with or without nils, with or without double nils or with or without double nil passing........complete rules will be stated on the rules page of the tournament

Royality Spades

Players must all bid their FACE CARDS:  Jacks, Queens and Kings only......Do not bid any bid will always be 12


At least one player from each team must bid nil.........both team members may bid nil if desired

Team 7

This game will always have a total bid of 14........each team must have a total of 7 between them

Threesome Spades/3 Game Variety

This game will consist of 3 different games each game being 4 hands only.  First team to win 2 games is the winner.  The 3 games will be decided by each Td but may game of Bid 3, one game of Mirror Spades and one game of Regular DN allowed.

Wooden Nickle

The player with the 5 of spades must bid nil regardless of any other cards in hand


          ForeverSpades League
Specific Rules