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-x-Kimmy's Page-x-

Hey Everyone! Its Kimmy. I am 16 from WV. I attend TUG VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL! My FAV PAstimes is listening to music, singing, and hangin with friends. Now im gonna give some shout outs to myºF®îëñЧº

A§h£ë¥~HEy SHisshy!lol.You are my best friend. WE have had some really great times! WE're always into something.We laugh at everything.You know I am always here for you! You're like my sis. I know we have alot of great memories to come. !SilVer TrUck! hehehe!BFFE SFL!

C¤urtñê¥~What is there to say about You! Your crazy. But I still luv ya. You are one of my best friends to. You tell me Everything!Shew! Jan.1.02 u almost got caught! Just lucky u made it back just in time!Im always here for ya! BFFE LyS!

$tåçy.Ç~Somewhere over the rainbow! We have had some of the best times.We got some great memos at MCS! GIRL I WILL ROLL U! hahaha! Maken people CRY STace. I miss ya lots. COme to Tug Valley next yr.Hope ur haven fun at Belfry.Im always here for ya! LYS BfFE

Mîë~I have known you forever!STOP THE SONG! (Do you still have that straw hat?lol) Stay the same. LyS!

Ç宣Å~WHATS THE ANTHER?lmbo. You are the nicest person!I've known ya for a long time. Your A good friend.Stay the same!LyS

Såvâññâh~Hey Van! Ur a good friend. We've had some good memos and alot more to come. Shew! Thought them boys was following us in Walmart that Miss ya riden with us! Its just not the same.LYS!

Vë£må~Your a really nice persoN!Ive known ya forever. ~WHOSE GOT THE MUNCHIES??lol.Your a good friend. Stay the same. LyS!

Kevin~ My new nickname is Ozzy. lol. you are a good friend stay the same k! LyB!

Bëçka~Hey! Your awesome. glad to have met ya this year! You are a good friend. LyS!

-º¦Åmâñða.R.¦º-Hey Girl~ We had some good times at mcs. I still miss ya! We have always been good friends. (Pen Pals) Lol. keep In touch~! LyS!

~*KayLa*~ Hey sis~ I am really glad that we became friends this year. I haven't known you for that long but you are already one of my best friends! WE laugh at everything! Your a great friend! LyS!(always here for ya)

~*Kelly*~ Hey gurl!WE laugh at the craziest stuff! lol. Where'd she go*she turned sideways* hehehe! You are a really good person! Stay the way u are! (always here for ya) LyS!

*~Betty~* Hey gurl! You are a sweet person! I haven't known you for that long but you are a good friend.. Stay the same! Lys!(always here for ya)

~*Kei$hå*.D.~HEy! You are the sweetest person!I am glad we became friends this year! Stay the same! Always here for ya! Luv ya like a sis!

~*$tacy.S~ HEy gurl! I have known you for a really long time! You are a great friend. Stay the same. Luv ya like a sis!

~*Whitney.Bostic*~Hey! You are a really sweet person! Always stay the same sweet girl that you are! Your a good friend. LyS!

$åM~Your cool! You never bring paper to always have candy!Ur a good friend. Stay the same. LyB

Jõ§h~(cous)Do good in life! I miss ya lots! Hope 2 see ya sooN! Stay in COllege and DO GREAT! Im real proud of ya. Luv YA!

Justin.S~Your Cool! You are a great person and a good friend. Stay the same and never change! LyB

Tyler.N.~ You are great!U tell the best jokes,you are so funny and a really nice person! Stay the same. LyB

Sheena~ Hey girl!I haven't known you for that long but you seem like a really good person. Im really glad to have met ya this year. I hope we can become good friends~!WE all need to get together sometime!Stay the same. LyS!

Tabby~I miss ya! You should've came to tug valley.We had some really good times at Mcs. We were always into something.LoL. Your a good friend. I'll always be here for ya! Good Luck with Dusty! C/O 2003 MCS. :)

Tish~ Hey !! Your a great friend. Your one of my best friends. Like my lil Sis. We always laugh at everything. You always tell me your secrets! I won't telll noone.Oh yeah me tryin to set ya up with a physco!sorry bout that. hehehe! memories!LyS!

E£izabeth- What is there to say~! I've known you my whole life. You are like my sis. You are such a good person! I hope you always stay the same. You have always been there for me and Im glad that you are my cousin. WE've been through lots together.~Jesus loves you~ (your modo) LyS!

¤»Ch⮣y«¤~ Hey Girl! Glad I metcha this year. 6th prd is awesome. We laugh at everything! You and AShley Fall alot. tehehe! (My eye is beat'n!)Lol.Anyway, your a good friend.Stay the same! LyS!

~The 2 greatest sisters ever!Tammy and Sherry! Luv ya'll!Im really glad to have sisters likes ya'll!

¤»Gâi£~Belle«¤~U are my fav cousin! WE have had some times togeth! All of our ADVENTURES! You are like one of my sisters! CAnt Wait till we getta go TO KINGSISLAND! WOooooooo! Luv ya!

~Amanda.T,Aaron,Steven,Amy,Candace, Good Luck in life~Miss ya'll~CO/02~ TABBY, Dusty, Tony, and David~GOod luck in life~ Miss ya'll~ CO/03! MCS I'd Also like to say hey to!~Jessica.N, Tifffany.N, Tasha.S, Stephanie.W,and LeAnn Jenkins.Ly! ~I HOPE EVERYONE IS HAVING A GREAT SUMMER!I MISS YA"LL!!!!~Bgood~ LY!! CO/05~WoO~

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