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Do YOU like To cook?

Do You have a Favorite recipe?

Would YOU like to SELL YOUR favorite recipe?

in order to sell many copies of your recipe?

Only $3.00 ONE TIME!!!

Would you like to earn $3.00 for each copy of YOUR Recipe?

How many copies do you want to sell?

25? 50? 100? More?


Can you accept payment thru the PAYPAL.COM  program?

Do You have a  PREMIER  paypal account?

Your recipe payment will come by EMAIL  thru….

Here is the website where you can sign up for a premier paypal account…

Paypal is VERY SECURE !!! 100% GUARANTEED!!!

Do You need to have your recipe orders come to

Your home mailing address?

How many recipe orders will  fit in your mailbox?


Everyone will email their customers recipe orders out to them…

Only money will go thru ( or:

Money will come by  US MAIL  (US funds –US money orders please).

                                           YOUR CHOICE !!!


                                                 ATTENTION !!

I just want to point out a few things to everyone.

To anyone who  chooses to use their home mailing address
1. You will spend money for money order fees, postage, and envelopes..
2. Your orders could get lost in the mail ….(US MAIL)

3.Your  money orders and recipe orders could get lost or stolen….

4.Your customers would not be happy for sure…

5. US Mail can slowwwwwww  down  your recipe business


I highly recommend using to secure your payments when you order your recipes.
Your recipe payment will come fast and secure thru…

You may have your earnings that go to paypal transferred to your own bank account any time you want. No fees charged for transferring your money.

NOW is the time to sign up for YOUR premium paypal account.

Choose a  email address to use with your new paypal account.)
( This email address will go under the name of your favorite recipe name. )

You must keep this email address cleared out as your recipe orders come in to you. You don’t want to lose any  recipe orders do you?

Copy and paste THIS EMAIL then follow the following instructions.
You will need to highlight  the list of recipes and email addresses or home  mailing addresses.  

COPY  (this list) to windows word pad.(do not use note pad).   Please save  this list.

(You may want to work this program again in the future ).
PS: I also reccomend saving, ( this list of email addresses and recipe names before you make your new list)….



Here is Your list of recipes;

Recipe #1

Sweet Milk Griddle Cakes

Recipe #2

Plain Yeast Rolls


Recipe #3
Baked Custard

Recipe #4
Bread Pudding


Now using  windows NOTE PAD  do this:

#1. Copy and paste the whole email…

#2.. Now  in the #1 position please  add the name of YOUR recipe and YOUR new email address..

  #3. Now move all  the recipes and  Email   addresses down ONE position on  NEW LIST….

#4 Email the person on original recipe list and ask them how they want to be paid. (By email thru paypal) or ( By money order to their home mailing address)… Please ask them to supply whichever address they want to use.

#5  You will remove the last recipe and address of old list, (after you have sent #4  their $3.00 for their recipe.)

#6. now highlight and copy your new recipe list that you just placed your self in #1 position.

#7. Then paste new recipe list into a new email.

     Please send your emails thru WINDOWS  WORD PAD…(After you change your list )  You will already be in WINDOWS WORD PAD!!!

#8   In the subject line put this sentence:

RE: How Do You Want To Receive Your Payment For Your recipe? Please read message quickly!!

#9  Please don’t put  #4 email address and #4 recipe name( that you ordered from )on new list.

#10  Do not change any thing else on this  recipe email…. Thank YOU!!!

#11. You will get paid for your recipe when you are in #4 position….

You will move swiftly thru your list..

 That’s  all you need to do!!  You are finished!!  Now pass this email on to your friends, family. Anyone is welcome to work this recipe plan..

Thanks for reading this longggggggggggg email…

I wish all of you much success working this recipe program