Em's Guy Diary

This is my guy diary, turned into a webpage, ummm it should be interesting, seeing as though many of my friends nowadays didn't know Emily back "then". So I know this is all total cheese, but just keep in mind the date all of these entries were written and how old I was. Well, I'd like to think of myself as protective of my own feelings, and sheltered and people really gotta know me before I trust them, but apparently that's not me. I wish it were, really I do, but then I wouldn't be able to create this webpage because I'm sooooo bored now. So enjoy, and I KNOW it's cheese and you're all going to laugh at me, and my pathetic love "life," but so what? Hmmm maybe I'm just feeling like this because it's 5am on a Thursday morn'n. Well to quote MTV, "You think you know, but you have no idea, this is the diary of Emily."


4th grade
4th grade
4th grade
4th grade
October 15, 1998
6th grade
6th grade
March 22, 2000
March 23, 2000
7th grade
7th grade
May 9, 2000
May 10, 2000
May 13, 2000
May 25, 2000
June 21, 2000
July 15, 2000
July 29, 2000
November 18, 2001
December 11, 2001
December 17, 2001