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I do not know why I am doing this site exsept becaouse I am bored and there is nothing to do so I thought I would just type my heart out and see how long this page will be without the br and the /br tags and just use one long big paragraph. Yes it is a hot sunny day outside and I am at home taking it easy and relax while typing while I wait for the other person that I live with to wake up. It is now 6:44pm and I have been up sence 2pm.I was drinking tea and I guess that I should get another cup of tea before it gets stone cold.Of course I could read a horror book or lisen to music on my walkman but I rather practice my typing by making this page with my HTML editor and see how far I can go.I know that right now this seems boring to you but I will try to make in exciting for you. If I decide to make a paragraph... then I will let you know. Right now I am tempted to make another paragraph but I should wait awhile. Maybe I should view the page to see what it looks like right now! You know.. I love to be creative and making web sites give me a chance to show the world my talent. Creating a web site is like art but with codes and you can make your own graphics in a graphics program such as Photoshop 7! I love to make graphics as well. I just took a look and decided to change the font and size and now it is the way I like it. I am thinking of making this into a full site like a.... Web log! Stores and poems by me! and so on! What do you think? Should I? I would use the same fonts and size as this page and add images as well to spice it up! you see... I have too many idea's for Web site and find that I don't finish one site then I start another but I will go back to the other later and add more contents onto it. Ok... I want to make this paraghraph longer because I hink it is too short! Must be longer to keep the veiwer buisy for awhile. You know what? I think this page is already a Web Log (LOL) which is ok with me! The thing is maybe I should make it like a book like make a link that says turn the page and other links that you can read by date! That is a great idea!! It is so qwiet right now with just the fan going that I can think very clearly. I think it is time for another paragraph!

Another paragraph! I find that making lots of paragraphs makes the page longer and more exciting! Spme can be short or some can be long or some can be between short and long. It says on my HTML thing that I am at line 47! Cool!! Ok... Now about me! I am a female webmastress in my 20's who loves music, learning, building websites, making graphics, writing poems and stories but lately I have not been inspired to write any but I want to get back into it again. I love to play PC games by Tom Clancy, Sims SuperStar, PS2, GameCube, XBox games. I love cute animals and children. I am into anime but I hate Dragon Ballz because I am too old for it. i love the font of this page! It is so very beutiful and so pretty! It is called springtime but you need to go on a site that has the sprintime font file and download it, open it and move the file into your desktop, open your font folder and move the file that is on the desktop into the font folder whicj you will find in your controle panel of your computer. I like to use light backgrounds with dark text because it looks so damn nice! There are many ways to design your website but you do need to know the Basics in HTML. It took me awhile to learn but now I am getting better. Before I knew HTML as well as I do now, I was using easy builders on free Web Host Such as Geocities and Freewebz and other free Web Host. I still use free Web Hosting but I don't use the easy builders that they supply to none HTML knowlage and beggeners. I now create my own HTL documents with using Pure HTML codeing. If I forget an HTML code... All I do is go on HTML sites for the code. We all need a bit of help once in awhile. It is not cheating eather.

Now it is 12:09am the next day and we have a friend over right now. Him and mu Boyfriend were watching THE UNTALKATIVE BUNNY that my boyfriend taped in the pass week. Right now I was picking images for this site and copying them into a special folder for this site. When ever you do a site on an HTML editer, make sure to make a folder for your HTML document and your graphics and other stuff that you want to put on your site. I can't beleive how good this site looks so far! I truly picked the right colors! I think that this is enoupf text for this page so it is time to turn the page! I hope you did enjoy reading this page and will come back often to see new pages added!

justagoodfriend2u got their Neopet at
justagoodfriend2u got their Neopet at