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There's my huh?

This my room from the outside. Told you it was small. =P No idea why it came out so dark.

There's my not-so-neat nightstand.See my little Joe Boxer clock...and frame...and pillow. Hehe, I'm a freak. =)

That's my TV...and the thing it sits on. (And you thought Taffy's entertainment center was bad)

There's my computer...I think I was talking to Anna then. LoL

Aww...there's my sexy man. =)

Aww...there he is again...

And again...

You have to admit that I have the cutest mouse pad.

There's my horse calender.

And my little pug calender. Then there's my white board. (*Note: I have ES before RL...sad)

There's a close-up of my Joe Boxer Pillow. Cute, huh?

There's my chest of drawers with my CD player, purple phone, beanie baby, and a load of other junk.

There's an American Eagle poster thing and a pic of Secretariat I took out of a magazine.

Those are some horse show ribbons...tacky, I know. But, oh well. (Oh yea...and if you've noticed that it's suddenly day light, I took these pictures like...a month ago because I was bored.)

My bulliten board...since then I've pushed the ribbons over so you can actually see it now.

More ribbons...and a ton of clothes on the back of my door.

My teen people poster...

A painting my uncle gave me for Christmas. (Sorry about the flash)

Some more pictures. I got the framed one when I was a baby, and the other one I printed off the internet 2-3 years ago.

My Quarter Horse Poster.

Another Teen People Poster.

My little picture wall thing...

My Beanie Baby house thing...I've actually managed to get 50+ in it. Go me!

My Secretariat clipping.

A painting of a horse in Assateague. Can't even see his face though. !@#$ ribbons!

My Justin Timberlake poster...

Tha's you've seen my incredibly small, messy room. Congratulations.=)