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As an introduction to my webpage, I would like to point out that there may be some topics on here that can offend you. These are my beliefs and my views, and I do not want to appear like I am forcing them on you. If you do not wish to read material regarding my faith in God, then you might not want to explore this site - in particular the Christian 411 and September 11 pages. With that said, there are many different links and a lot under construction right now, but I will try to update it as often as possible. Sorry to those interested in my site that I have not updated it in a while. I finally got some free time to get some work done on it. Enjoy what’s new and what I have created! If you have any comments or questions, I would appreciate the feedback from all of y'all! There will be lots more to come soon! :)

Basically, this is where you learn some hard facts about me. For example: all of my favorites (color | music | bands | movies | etc.), my interests and hobbies, as well as possibly some interesting stories.

This is where I write down all my friends - guys on one side, girls on the other - and tell all of our inside jokes or just say how much they mean to me! Sorry if I left anyone off. Just let me know, and I will get you on there!

After September 11, I received all of these e-mails in regards to it. Immediately, I began to create a page in order to remember it. Keep in mind that this is one of the pages that could offend you, if so move on to the next link.

A lot of people have asked me what Blondicity is, so I decided rather than explaining it a GAZILLION times, I would just put it on my website. That way, people can find out for themselves, and I don't have to say anything!

This is a site that contains little devotions and some answers to hard questions that I have been asked. I still encourage you to check it out, and if you have any questions, just e-mail, IM, or however else you can think of to contact me.

No one has ever asked me what this is yet, but I still wanted a link for it. So, here it is! This is mainly for all of the girls at church who made up a song/had one made up for them to the tune of the "Chicken Dance" about their animal!

This is my personal collection of CDs. I got the idea from my sister when I saw her media page. Needless to say it looked good, and my site is modeled after her layout. It mainly includes lyrics, but I might add more media later.

This site is changed everytime there is a new holiday. Right now, it has information about Halloween. It also has backgrounds, images, and songs about this holiday. Check back when after Halloween is over for stuff on Thanksgiving!

I have come across cute sayings that I have just loved! I used to have more on another site, but it got deleted for some weird reason, and now all of that is gone. I did try to remember as many as I could. That's what you see on here.

These are sites that I like to visit when I get bored, as well as all of my friends' sites (at least the ones I know of). If you have made a webpage and want a link to it, give me the URL, and I will put it on here for you when I get the chance!

After pulling all kinds of backgrounds, ideas, images, and more from different sites (some of them my friends'), I decided that I would give credit where credit is due. However, don't get me wrong, I used raw HTML code on all of my sites: no cheating!

Well, this is where you can send me all the feedback you want. I could really use some good websites as well as your opinions on how to improve it! Thanks for visiting, and I hope that you like my site (even if it is a bit "girly" - as my brother called it)!

This is the link to Immanuel Baptist Church's forum. It's a great site! My props to Myers - nice work. But don't just check out the forum, go to our main site as well.

Leave me a note here if you have something to say. Don't just write something to write it. Thanks! If you want to just view it, click the link at the bottom.

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