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Welcome To Interactive Video-Audio Conferencing-Help

Interactive Video Audio Conferencing (I-VAC) is an application that helps in efficient 1-Many Communication between a single Server (Administrator) and 'N' Clients.

I-VAC is a tool that serves in simultaneous Audio and Video conferencing in a Windows Operated Local Area Network.

I-VAC provides full fledged Interaction between multiple clients and a single server which broadcasts its own audio and video to all the clients who, when wanting to communicate can join the queue that is serviced by the Server.

i.e. The audio and video of the Administrating person is broadcasted to all the users who are connected to the service. The users can then query or interact with the Administrating person by joining a Global Queuing System that is maintained by I-VAC.

The Administrating person services these queued requests by picking them from the Global Queue.

This process of selection by the Administrating person renders the corresponding users audio and visual data Active, thereby allowing the user have a private Audio –Video conference with the administrating person without the intervening of other users who keeps waiting for their turn.

            I-VAC Server, upon selecting a client, allows it to send its own audio and video to the Server thereby getting a single client’s interaction with the server at any instance of time.

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