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MaStAViC.CoM Presents... Xanga: Enter My Mind
Enter My Mind
MaStAViC.CoM Presents... Xanga: Enter My Mind
En Route to MaStAViC.CoM
Joined Xanga on 02.22.03
Xanga v2.0: Enter My Mind Launched: 05.14.03
Xanga v1.0: Files of a Corrupted Mind Launched: 02.22.03
Last Update: 05.28.03

MaStA Productionz 1998-2003 is owned by MaStA ViC
Copyright © 1998-2003. Victor Ly.
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Real Name: Victor Ly
Birthday: 4/13/1984
Gender: Male
Location: California
Occupation: Student
Expertise: undiscovered
Hobbies: friends, music, basketball, thinking, bowling, pool, hanging out, watching movies, helping others, writing, computer-related actitivies (websites/graphics), reading, CounterStrike, doing nothing and having absolute silence for short periods of time, walking around aimlessly and wandering
Website: Click Here

Member since: 2/22/2003

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Monday, June 02, 2003

Monday, June 2, 2003

·¦[)·uc davis·(]¦·

yes!  I'm in UC Davis right now!!!  Finally, I get to visit my friends here for a week!  Got here last night with Kin and Emerson at around midnight, courtesy of Martina's driving.  First two major things I noticed about Davis was the smell of grass and the hot, hot weather.  Seemed like it was over 80º last night!  haha.  Anyway, I'm living with Justin Wong, Alan Kuang, and Alan Chan, and I don't have to pay any rent =P  Mmm... I might have to though, 'cause these people are too cheap to turn on the air conditioner, and I want it on, so I might have to pay them for it... hehe.


Attended my friend Jonathan's grandmother's funeral yesterday, from 1PM to about 6AM.  When KinEmerson, and I met up with Jonathan and his friends at his store, there were about 20 of us walking towards the funeral place, and since most of us were dressed in black, it seemed like we were in a gang (well, some of the people are actually in gangs though).  Anyway, my two friends and I were assigned to be one of the six pallbearers, so we carried the coffin and everything and probably did one of the most out of the people who attended the funeral.  Blessings go out to Jonathan and his family for the lost.

·¦[)·uc davis again·(]¦·

Anyway, I'm gonna go out to eat now... kinda hungry.  We might go play basketball, but after I eat, I wanna go visit the UC Davis campus for the first time =)

Take care ya'll,


Update (7:40PM):
·¦[)·basketball injury·(]¦·

I got injuried at the UC Davis Recreation Hall basketball gym, and I'm kind of on a vacation too.  Sorry for ending the game and the fun early, guys.  Thanks for helping me get back to the dorms.  Sorry for being such a drag and everything and causing so much trouble.  I'm gonna go heal now.

Saturday, May 31, 2003

Saturday, May 31, 2003

I've had a LOT of fun these last two days, and I'm not sure where to start =P


Yesterday, the day started off with a few great games of basketabll at Chinese Center (CC).  Honestly, I would have to say that those were some of the most fun I have had playing basketball in a long, long time.  Maybe it's because I didn't care about winning as much as just having fun with my friends, but whatever the reasons, I had fun.  Thanks ya'll.  Up until yesterday, I think I've played basketball for five out of the last six days.

·¦[)·emerson's computer·(]¦·

After basketball, Sam drove Jeffrey, Johnson, Emerson, and I to pick up the FedEx shipment of Emerson's computer parts.  Took a while finding it, but we managed to find it after walking for quite a while =P  Spent about two hours at Emerson's house trying to assembly the computer together, a job that should have taken about 20 minutes, according to Emerson.  There were a few problems, mainly because of how he wanted to position his computer fans.  Unfortunately, we later found out that he had a defected Asus motherboard, which totally sucks.


Allan Cheung hooked Danny, Emerson, Jeffrey, Chris Nguyen, Kin, and I up for about three hours of CounterStrike at Battlezone.  I can't remember ever having that much fun playing CS before =)  I showed the people there that even though I haven't played CS in about a week and a half, I still got what it takes to be the best!  haha.

·¦[)·footlocker 50% off·(]¦·

Allan Cheung hooked us up again today at Stonetown's Footlocker, where he works, with 50% off EVERYTHING =)  I got a pair of the new Jordans for $45, which was supposed to be $89.99.  I also got a nice white Barry Bonds Giants baseball jersey for $40, 50% off the original $80 pricetag.  AWESOME =)  Thanks a lot, Allan!

·¦[)·allan's cats·(]¦·

I love Allan Cheung's cats, Lulu and Randy.  Randy is an amazingly fat cat, the fattest one I have ever seen in my life, I think.  Lulu is pretty big as well, but she's cool and seems to love playing around with me.  I haven't seen the two cats since last summer, so it was fun playing with them for a while.  Unfortunately, I'm REALLY allergic to these two cats, so I got pretty sick, coughing and sneezing, like usual.  Still fun and worth my while though! =)

·¦[)·counterstrike again·(]¦·

Again, Allan Cheung hooked us up tonight for over three hours of CounterStrike at Battlezone!  This time, it was Jeffrey, Kiet, Emerson, Danny, Chris Nguyen, Martina, and I who played (and Allan himself, of course).  I wasn't as good as I hoped I would be, but I still did well enough to show them what I'm made of =)  Martina, aka Mango in CS, surprised a lot of us by killing Jeffrey repeated times, and I don't think she has ever played that much CS before... hehe.  Oh yeah, and Tina, aka Ms_Crasy, if you're reading this, I'm still proudly sporting the mkz tag, even though my friends and I are only playing on LAN, hehe.


It's almost 4AM now and I just got home from CounterStrike about half an hour ago.  Although we did not do a whole bunch of things, today seemed like a full, long day =)  Well, this is a full, long entry, so I'll stop writing now.  Thanks to everyone for contributing to my fun =)

Take care,

Groovin' to Fabolous f. Ashanti - Into You

Thursday, May 29, 2003

Thursday, May 29, 2003


ent out for a walk with Emerson that lasted around two hours at first.  He wanted to go walking, so I decided to just ditch my plan to sleep early - which probably wouldn't work anyway - and go on a walk with him.


We started talking about a bunch of things, about different things in life.  Man, I still remember him and I doing similar things last summer after I graduated from high school and before I went off to college.  Sad that nothing much has changed in my relationships department.  But that's fine, I'm not too disappointed in it, but that could be because I'm not expecting much more (it's my fault, for the most part, for not trying to get with newer people anyway).


Watched the sun quickly rise for a bit more than half an hour.  Great view from the top of my building, a 12-story apartment building.  Haven't seen a good sunrise in a long time... I'm glad I saw today's =)

·¦[)·waking up for basketball·(]¦·

Well, I plan to wake up at about 11:30AM so I could go play basketball with a few of my friends at Chinese Center (CC) at 1:00PM, which will leave me with four hours of sleep, at the most.  Been playing a bit of basketball lately; four times out of the last five days, I think.  Oh well, it's a good workout, other than the times I risk injury.

·¦[)·happy birthday·(]¦·

Happy birthday, Karen.  I doubt you'll visit my Xanga, since you don't have one of your own, but you did see my superkick video, so maybe you'll just happen to check this entry out as well.  Well, I text messaged you a few hours ago with a quick comment, but yeah, just wanted to do a quick shout-out =)  You're legal now... Roland's been waiting for a LONG time... haha.


I'm going to get ready to sleep soon.  Gotta take another shower (making it the third one for today) and everything though, which is gonna kill a bit more time.  The things Emerson and I talked about tonight really got me thinking about a lot of things again, which is both good and bad, I guess.  I can't believe I'm so weak still.  I thought I could move on long ago, but now, I'm barely still recovering from love.


Groovin' to All-4-One - Heaven Sent &
Boyz II Men - Four Seasons Of Loneliness

Wednesday, May 28, 2003

Wednesday, May 28, 2003

Sup!  It gets pretty boring after my friends leave, and it's especially boring at this time of the night (it's about 3:30AM right now).


It was HOT today, and I was outside most of the day too!  Feels like the weather I'm used to having in San Jose, but NOT in fRiSkO!  It was pretty hot yesterday too (I even got my arms a bit tanned from playing basketball), but today was a killer... haha.


Went job hunting today, but only went to one place: In & Out.  Hopefully, I'll land a job there =P  Thanks Neil for tryin to hook it up and all.  I know you didn't have to sit there with us while I ran to your house to get the applications and everything, so thanks for helping the family... haha.  My friends and I were saying how much we could work, and I figured that since there are 168 hours a week, I'm pretty sure I could work for at least 100 of those hours, if it was legal =P  I mean, I barely sleep anyway, so I could use those hours to just chill with my friends or whatever... haha.


Was supposed to go play basketball with Sam Tran this morning, but he didn't call me on time, so I thought he didn't want to go anymore.  Besides, my body's a bit sore from playing that much basketball lately, but I still ended up playing basketball earlier this evening.  Speaking of basketball, Justin Wong lost to me TWICE in one day in two one-on-one games.  The first one was up to only three points, which I won 3-2.  The second one had more people watching, and it was supposed to be up to five points.  Even though he took an early 4-1 lead, I was able to come back to win a 6-4 upset.  (P.S. Thanks to Martina for the phone call that bought me some time... hehe).

·¦[)·to my friends·(]¦·

A lot of my friends seem to have a lot of problems and just general challenges lately.  I wish the best for all of them, and instead of hoping that their problems will just go away quickly, I hope they can actually learn something from the things they're facing.  If anyone (even if I usually do not really talk to you) needs someone to talk to about ANYTHING, just let me know and I'll try my best to help.  I'm here if ya'll need me, just know that.  The quickest way to get to me is my cell phone number (415-939-3883), although e-mailing me (at or posting something here at my Xanga site will probably get my attention pretty quickly as well.  I have been using the same AIM screen name (tru3masta) for over five years now, and I don't plan on changing it anytime soon, if ever at all.  Talk to me if you want to, because you're NEVER alone - remember that!

Take care everyone,

Groovin' to Paradigm f. Stefanie Bennet - Back For My Love

Monday, May 26, 2003

Monday, May 26, 2003

Haven't posted here in a while, so here's a list of the random things that has been happening in my life lately.


Was finally able to watch both X-Men 2 and The Matrix Reloaded with a few friends on May 24, 2003, after not being to watch either because I was too busy to meet up most of my other friends the first time they watched the two movies.  The Matrix Reloaded was not as good as I had hoped, and even X-Men 2 was a bit better than it.

·¦[)·lack of sleep·(]¦·

dang... I haven't been sleeping as much as I thought I would since summer started =P  Just a few nights ago, I only got a bit more than an hour of sleep, and went to play basketball for nearly four hours later that afternoon.  Tired myself out, but it felt good =)

·¦[)·new glasses·(]¦·

finally picked up my new glasses today!  After using my gun-silver glasses for at least two years, I finally got new ones =)  this new pair is black and has a rectangular frame... pretty stylish, i think.  good news: same degrees, so my eyes did not get any worse in the last two years.  haha kOoL! =P

·¦[)·a year and two days·(]¦·

it's been a year and two days since I've told her that I liked her.  still can't forget her and have thought of her every single day since.

·¦[)·the superkick·(]¦·

LoL the superkick video I posted five entires earlier is getting better "ratings" and "reviews" than I thought =P  it's been circulating around for a while now, and there's even been a rumor (not sure when or where it started) that I was knocked out for an hour after I got kicked... haha.

·¦[)·no junk food·(]¦·

it's two days away from one full month since I've stopped eating candy and chips! =)  For the first time since that day, chocolate actually looked good today.  I hope I can not eat these two horrible types of junk food until at least the end of this year =P

·¦[)·no swearing·(]¦·

I'm slowing trying to quit swearing.  I've been cursing for too many years now, and even when I am not actually pissed, I use a lot of vulgar language.  Well, I'm trying to swear less now, so I'll try not to use most of the usual curse words.  This is pretty hard to do... haha.

·¦[)·looking for a job·(]¦·

trying to get a job for the summer.  already applied to Safeway, where I used to work a few years ago, and I'm hoping they accept me... haha.  Tried for Office Depot, but the nearest one to my house told me that they're not hiring anymore.

I think there were more things I wanted to write, but I can't remember anymore right now.  Oh well, I'll add more next time so ya'll can see what's happening in my life, if ya'll care =)

Have fun!

Groovin' To Daniel Bedingfield - If You're Not The One

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