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Iluzzionz Donkey Fansite

Hello, My name is Iluzzion and I welcome you to my Donkey fansite. I am a collector of all things Donkey, and also a keen fan on this wonderfull creature.

I am 16 years old and live in England with my family. I have been interested in Donkeys since I was about 4 years old when I went on a trip to blackpool and first rode one. You might say I fell in love.

My first donkey I was allowed to buy came at the age of 10. He was called Frank after the famous jockey (yes, some donkey purists will say he rode horses not donkeys but lets leave that aside shall we?)

Well, I will be adding new content shortly, but untill then Bye!

Thank you for visiting,

See below for more Donkey imagery:

This is Mandy and my personal favorite. When you tickle her tummy she gurgles. Sh'es a real cutey.

This is danny and is a relation to mandy. Loves a cuddle :)