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Hey, welcome to Complete Idiots (CI), this site is run by me and a fag, or to be proper, a "fag and I". I can say fag, because I hate them. The stories or how to guides (which you should not follow) are a combined effort. This way we look dumber then we would apart. All art is created by myself (Lucas), but the brainstorming of the idea may be a combined effort)

^^Look I'm a dipsh*t I add horizontal lines to webpages!^^

We decided to start making this webpage with ridicoulously funny stuff. Unfortunately like the people at fox, we are not that funny, so we decided to do what they do, plagarize. Because it is to simple. But plagarizem is against the law, so instead we are going to ravage the internet in search of other people's funny material, then we are going to take it! We call this "borrowing" or "utilizing the gifts that God gave other people, not us"; either way it is much better than plagarizem.
Note: if you see anything on this page that belongs to you or rather did belong to you, it is now the property of us.
(Oh Yea if we find any of our stolen material on another site we are going to sue you for copyright infringment, asses think they can steal from us, we are American.)

Merry Fucking Christmas. (not yet complete, but take a look)

The Christmas turd!
It happens every Christmas; it's a family tradition. Last Christmas we had to remove the toilet, take it out side and break the turd down by spraying it with a hose. It just wouldn't flush and apparently it just could not be pulled out by hand... we tried. This year we had the pleasure of once again being visited by the Christmas Turd... in someways it was a Christmas miracle. Click on the link above and prepare to see the miracle of Christmas.

What Americans should ALW*E*YS have.

Me fooling the stupid bunny!

Bunnies trying some revenge.

Warning, may be offensive to catholics!