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Help Haruko Stay In America

I would like to introduce to you, Haruko Maruyama she is an international student from Nagano, Japan. As an international student, Haruko has done much by way of preparations for taking courses in the United States. She began her studies in Japan, taking English courses to learn basic skills that would help her to make the transition to American colleges. During the spring and summer of 2001, Haruko took courses in Chico, CA, where she found a love for meteorology. Her professor suggested the University of Oklahoma (OU) because of its outstanding reputation for its' top ranked meteorology program. At the end of the summer she packed her bags and headed to Oklahoma, in hopes to one day attend the OU meteorology program.

She came to Oklahoma not knowing anyone. An agency helped to locate a family that took her in with open arms. In preparation, she started out at Rose State Community College, where she is majoring in Physics, to satisfy the pre-requisite requirements for OU. At this time, she is only 2 semesters away from that goal. She maintains a 3.6 grade point average.

She is about 90% fluent in the English Language, and has improved dramatically in the year and ½ that she has lived here!

Haruko is involved in many facets of her community. She volunteers on a regular basis, at two different elementary schools. She teaches Japanese culture and language to 2nd and 3rd graders at Telstar Elementary School in Oklahoma City, OK. At Little Axe Elementary School in Norman, OK, she provides tutoring to 5th grade students who are struggling with math. The students have benefitted greatly from her contributions.

Haruko has also volunteered her time to help the Ronald McDonald House Charities, with several of their fund raising efforts, on various occasions. In the short time that Haruko has been in the United States, specifically in Oklahoma, she has been a contributing member of our society.

Her hope is to stay in America to finish her education. Unfortunately her visa does not allow her to work to provide the money for her tuition. Her plan at this time, is to return to Japan and work until she earns enough money to return to Oklahoma to finish her schooling, which will probably take several years. I do not doubt for a moment that she will accomplish her goal because her personality has allowed her a great deal of discipline, fortitude, and accomplishment.

She has done so much for this community and now I hope that the community can give some back to her. Can you help out? Any money that is donated to this fund, will be used solely for the purpose of bringing Haruko back to America, tuition to the schools she needs to attend and basic living needs (gas, insurance, room & board, school supplies, and related expenses).

If money is donated to this fund, but cannot be used, because it falls short of the amount needed to support her schooling, this money will be donated to the Ronald McDonald House Charities. The Ronald McDonald House is an organization that helps the families of hospitalized children. A very nice residence is provided for the family near the hospital and the family’s needs are taken care of during the child’s stay in the hospital. Would you like to help? Donations will be accepted through PayPal at this address: Or can be sent to: Haruko Maruyama, c/o First Fidelity Bank; PO Box 32282; Oklahoma City, OK 73123-0482 (to this account number: 2000242030).

Before Haruko came to America, she knew very little about the American culture. A year and a half later, she loves everything American and wishes to remain in America.
Her favorite restaurants are: Subway and Akropolis Greek Andys.
Her favorite movies are: Sound of Music and Moulin Rouge.
Her favorite books are the Harry Potter Series

Pictures Of Haruko
