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My Attempt at a Webpage...

All right, this is my first attempt at a web page so bear with me. At the moment i cant think of much to put on my homepage but ill think of something, so here goes. I am 16 years old and i am going into grade 11. I am not a part of a organized reliion and i like to think of myself as indepentant. I belive that things happen for a reason but that they are not pre-defined. I belive that prayer is a form of meditation. A quote that i strive to live by is, "Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." I think that if you don't learn to think for youself or have your own opinion then you are not living. People who devote themselves to something, whether it be religion, another person or some material object are missing what life is about; to discover who you are and live your life to the fullest for yourself. Im not saying that having a certain dependance on other people or on your faith in your chosen religion is bad, but you need to know that there are boundries and that no one is perfect no matter how hard they try. You have to love yourself for who you are and not dote on what other people think of you. People also shouldn't look at someone else and think that they know who they are based on outward appearances. "Judge and ye will be judged" (I belive that that is a quote from the Bible but I'm not positive). Now that I've told you a little about my beliefs, I'll tell you a little bit about me. As you may or may not know, my name is Kohdi. I love horses, swimming, dogs, my friends, my family, pizza, fish and chips, any book by John Grisham or Kit Pearson, the color blue, the numbers 7 or 3, english (the subject), reading, music and guys. I work at a dog kennel and I love my job. Even thought I have to clean the pens (ie: pick up pooh and sweep up hair) being around dogs makes it all worth-while (and the pay isn't bad either :P) I got my learners liscence a month or so ago (even though my birthday was in march and so I'm slowly but surely learning to drive. I am single for now but im not looking for a serious relationship. I've been in love once, but when the relationship ended I decided that I wasn't going to commit myself to another one for a while because I have this lingering fear that even though I may have feelings for someone and they may have feelings for me as well, one of us will eventually stop having those feelings and I'll be back where I am now. It's a very complicated situation... Anyways... I think that's all I have to say right now but if i think of anything else I'll add to this. So ttfn (ta ta for now :P)... Kohds :)

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