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"I have not yet begun to fight!" ~ JPJ....Go get em' USA!

"Imagine one memorable day struck out of your life, and think how different its course would have been."

~ Charles Dickens, Great Expectations



Welcome everyone to the personal web site of Matt Enriquez!  It's been a process but I think it's finally starting to come together quite nicely.  I've actually managed to learn this stuff pretty well so far....who knew?!  Anyway I'll keep it updated as much as is possible and more pages will go up as I conceive of them.  I'm open to any and all suggestions too so if you have any feel free to let me know.  My screen name is sixstring345 and my email is 

This site is still under serious construction and, due my inherent computer illiteracy, probably will be for a while so please bear with me!  Enjoy!

~ Enriquez

East Carolina University

Catholic High School

Winter Break Pics                                                                        

College Pics

Song of the Moment

Random Acts of Poetry