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This is a picture of the author taken at Chateau Puy du Fou - France, August 2001

Le Chateau Puy du Fou - France, August 2001

My Family

I have been married to Brian for over 40 years and have two children - Rachael (32) and Thomas (28). I also have two fabulous grandchildren - Rachael's children, Evie (6) and Asher (3).

Picture of Brian, Rachael and Tom at Pont Aven in Brittany, 2000
Brian, Rachael & Tom - Pont Aven, France, August 2000

Family Pets

We currently have a black Lab called Freddie and Tom's corn snake, Hissing Sid.

Tammy & kids on patio Foley the ferret, 2004
Tammy (1998-2012), Rachael & Tom on the patio
Foley - RIP July 2004

I've started a blog - it's at: marions-place

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Last updated 16 February 2020