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Name Ranryuu'Chitai
eddy diffusion;essence of wisdom
Age Cub
Gender Male
Sire Daruunas
Dam Enishyi
Species Raveen Kat
Mate None
Birth Pride Undying Vow
Current Pride None yet
Element Inter-Mix Essence/Diffusion
Powers Soul-reading, Instant Healing (flesh-wounds only), Power Sight, Diffusion Aura, Teleportation (body 'dissolves').
Notes His forepaws are much like his Mother's, Spirit Essence paws without the 'legs' between the black rings that he wears. The empty space between his paws and upper area is, in fact, quite empty to the touch. But his paws seem to move as if there were actually muscle and bone still connecting the paws to the rest of his body. As these forepaws are made of Spirit Essence he can drain a little energy from others just by touching them, but as he's young he can't control the amount he takes and right now he can't take enough to really put anyone in danger -- perhaps just make them sleepy.

Around his eyes he has glowing markings that are similiar to the markings Daruunas has around his own - always concealed - eyes. These markings are the physical representation of the 'Power Sight' which causes one to constantly see Auras of all living things, magical things, and traces of magics/abilities that have been used in an area. It can be overwhelming for some, as this Power Sight can cause one to not be able to see the physical world, just the Auras outlining it. Luckily he hasn't seemed to inherit this power to the full extent that his Father did, and he only sees the outlines of Auras around the living world. He can see faint trails left by Auras as well, so he can use those Auras to track individuals if he knew what their Aura Trails looked like.

He has a minor Diffusion Aura which causes powers/abilities that have a physical form to completely fade away into nothing before coming into contact with him.
Origin Battle Prides

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