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Name Kouusa
Age Adult
Gender Male
Sire Wild
Dam Wild
Species Raveen Kat
Birth Pride Wild
Current Pride Time's Compass
Mate Sango
Element Sand
Abilities Sand Storm: The user can create a storm of sand
Notes His eyes weren't always dark blue on black, they were once a glittering pale blue. When his old realm suddenly closed off, that changed. He was caught up in the magic's of two realms tearing in to each other as he was unceremoniously tossed back in to the Ice Plains. He found himself in the middle of nowhere, in a desert that he didn't find at all familiar to him.
He was found only hours later by a wandering Sand Raveeness, who offered to help him find his way home. She made a comment about his eyes, saying that they were really pretty in a dark sort of way. He was confused, knowing that his eyes weren't at all dark. The Raveeness insisted they were, and when the two came across an oasis she proved it by forcing him to look at his reflection.
To say his was taken aback would be putting it lightly. Seeing his eyes so dramatically changed frightened him, and he nearly collapsed from shock. The Raveeness noticed this and finally took his word that his eyes weren't right. Not feeling alright about just leaving him behind, the Raveeness took the cub back to her Pride's territory. There she spoke with her Father, hoping that he might know something about the cub's change.
At first the Elder had been confused, and waved off the information as some kind of joke. He told the cub that he was just remembering incorrectly, and that his eyes hadn't changed. Perhaps he was remembering a dream where his eyes were different.
When another Sand spoke up from the group, commenting on how the cub looked a little bit familiar, both cub and Elder were shocked when the Raveeness guessed his name correctly. The Raveeness was ecstatic, saying that she hadn't seem him since he was a little infant just about to leave home. She verified that she was a cub from the same birth pride as him, and that she could recall quite clearly that his eyes were indeed different before.
With this information the Elder began to search for answers. The cub remained with the Pride for a few days before the Elder finally had a reason for it. Apparently he had been infected by Dimensional Magic, and that the excess magic had entered his soul. His eyes changed to reflect this, darkening with the magic's of a Dimensional rift.
Kouusa was even more confused, but when he asked what it all meant the Elder had nothing to offer. It seemed this had never happened before. It would be weeks later, after leaving the Pride, that the cub would get his first glimpse of the changes the magic's had caused.
While moving through the desert at night a group of Hybrids had descended upon him. In the grip of fear he had shouted for them to go away, and the desperation behind the words did just that. Tears in the Dimension opened, and the Hybrids were teleported away.
Shaken by the events, and not sure whether he did actually do that, Kouusa set out once again to find a home.

In moments of great fear/panic, Kouusa can cause a minor Dimensional rip to occur. Depending on the cub's fear-induced desires, the targets can be either teleported away or killed as their bodies/souls are sucked in to the void between Dimensions.

Growth notes: He has a small build, typical of a Sand Kat. The bracelet he was gifted with is now tangled within his mane, instead of around a paw.
Cub Pic
Origin Battle Prides

Raveen Kats  are  to GryphonIce
Page and Graphics are 2002
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