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Name Enishyi
fate, destiny, relationship, bond, link, connection, affinity
Age Adult
Gender Female
Sire Konpakuu
Dam Ruyumai
Species Raveen Kat
Mate Daruunas
Birth Pride The Fire Rose
Current Pride Undying Vow
Element Essence
Title Semi-God
Abilities None yet.
Notes She can Soul-Read, and if wounded she heals instantly no matter how severe the damage. Being an Essence Kat she lacks any markings on her body, and is naturally able to see the Aura of other Kats. Around her neck she wears two black rings, with one of the rings holding a partial multi-colored chain.

Her Elemental Mutation is unusual, having caused sections of her legs to be invisible to sight or touch. Her movement is not hindered by this mutation at all. Being an Essence Kat, and a CotO, her entire being is made up of Spirit Essence. Spirit Essence can be very deadly, as it's able to burn a physical form, destroy a soul, steal energy, or restore lost energy to something that has lost it. She can do all of this with just a touch of a paw - causing an enemy to burn under her touch, wound a soul (which would drain an enemy of it's abilities/powers for 24hrs), steal energy (disable abilities), or restore energy which may have been lost to an ally. This makes her quite deadly, because if she's ever caught in a physical fight with an enemy she can simply allow them to make contact with her - even with just a claw - and they'd suffer for it instead of her. About the only weakness she really has is that she can be damaged by a weapon without causing damage back to an opponent.

During the time she spent on Surai she stumbled across a mystical desert, where the sounds were silver and the waters seemed to be the essence of color. She wandered this area for quite some time, curious about the desert's unusual appearance. One day while there a shower of blue fire rained down from the sky, completely covering the desert in it's warm embrace. She was caught in the fire, but even as it dared to burn her she felt it wasn't she didn't need to fear. After the fire cleared she left the desert, only to discover that her paws now left the mark of blue flame where-ever she stepped, causing small flames to rise up for a milisecond before burning away and leaving behind an eternal pawprint. To this day she still doesn't know what the purpose of this power is, and still where-ever she steps the blue fire rises. It doesn't, however, cause a burn upon any living creatures she may touch.

IriKan Information; (The size of a IriKan depends on the intensity of the anger/sorrow felt by a CotO)
Form: White Water Scorpion
Powers: When summoned by anger/sorrow this IriKan will appear in a blaze of Spirit Flame, causing a wall of fire to rise up around this Essence Raveeness. If any enemies get caught within this wall of fire they'll instantly have their souls ripped from their body, or in the case where they're lacking a soul they'll be killed and turned to ash. This white Water Scorpion has the power to breathe in the souls of any creatures who are nearby, and absorb their energy. This energy is then converted and sent at any enemies in the nearby area in the form of electricity, where if they're hit they suffer severe damage to their souls, and energy loss.
Dangers: When this IriKan absorbs the energy of creatures nearby, it sometimes can't tell the difference between ally or foe and will absorb energy from both if need be. Anyone who has their energy stolen by the IriKan will not be able to regain it for 12hrs.
Origin Battle Prides

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