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In the Shade of the Storm

The peace and quiet is shattered by the howl of a sudden wind rising from the east, and the formerly clear sky becomes cloudy and dark. Big angry thunderheads loom above, threatening to crush all below on the ground. With a Crack! BOOM! lightning flashes in the gloom and the wind wails louder before the rain begins to pour. Drenching all in cool wet water in seconds.

A figure rears up, wind whipping his blonde mane as he hollars to the heavens in defiance, or most likely exaultation. His fierce yellow eyes shine with inner fire, and his body rings of inner fury. The storm and the stallion roar together, gray and purple marked legs pumping against the darkened sky.

Theres nothing to do, but watch in awe at the undeniable match.

As suddenly as it arrived, it left again as a different wind, a warm wind, blew from the south and quietly dissipated the clouds. With the last dying howl the stallion whinnies and falls down to all fours, proudly tossing his thick wild mane. And finally without all the elemental distractions one can see drifting clouds on the stallion's purple coat. What could be symbolic of the wind marking his cheek and neck in dramatic white sweeps.

Finally out of the receding shadows comes another, melting into the light of the returned sun. Aye but what a contrast to the first! A dark and mysterious lady with strange silver eyes, tri colored body slashed with jagged silver peaks. A mixture that is as captivating as the fury of the storm. The dramatic silver sweeps below her eyes tell that she is related to the first, remember back to the begining of this journey of the Serians another with such eye markings and one with a clouded coat?

Yes, these two are theirs.

The dark lady speaks, "My brother, Stormy is such a wild one isn't he wanderer? A temper to match a hurricaine at times." her voice is amused and rasps like plush velvet to the ears. "But then he did take more after the Summer Storm of our mother than I. I am much more like my father from Deep Shadows."

Stormy paws the earth, digging it up with much more force than it surely warrented. He flicks an ear forward and back from his sister, watching the traveler. It is hard to tell what he thinks.

The mare idlely flicks her long mane from her face before moving toward her brother, "It suits us." she says over her shoulder as she leaves.

The pair of them were some distance away before the wanderer realized that she had not given her name.

All Serians are from Sionayra