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Serian Desert

Following the river downstream from Storm and Tornado, the wanderer eventually comes to a desert-like place on the edge of the forest. There were big mountains in the distance and miles of sand, and dry climate plant life. A warm breeze blows through it lifting and scattering dust through the sparse grass.

It is here where the travaler will meet the kind of someone everyone should meet once in their life. Whats life without a dash of honeyed sass and coy flirtation? Quite boring it would be without it indeed.

A rumbly purr alerts the traveler to the presence of another in this hot desert place, a rolling sway of golden brown hips flagged by a long cat tail draws the eye to the Tigress in waiting.

She was fine and strong looking with cat paws on her hind legs instead of hooves. "Well, hello there stranger! Nice to see that Tornado hasn't forgotten about little ole me out here." her warm voice drips sweet tones as she saunters over to take a better look at the wanderer.

"Ain't you a sight? It's been getting alittle lonely out here lately. I would greatly appresiate some good company for a time. I hope you intend to stay for awhile?" She tilts her fine head inquiringly, fixing her lovely amber eyes imploringly at the wanderer.

Well of course the wanderer would stay, who could deny such a lady?

All Serians are from Sionayra