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.Angel Cloudy Holiday.

In the midst of the cloudy forest meadow there is a playful ninai named Klis'hu'mish, a theli named Hashabero and a little nai named Lihas'cresla. They'd just moved in and were still getting to know their new realm mates which led to some rather silly situations.

In flight above a silver blue stallion was the playful mare, Klis'hu'mish who was giggling at the stallion's expense. "Silly cloud watcher, why must you be always looking at the sky? Don't you have anything else to do for a hobby, Hashabero?" she asks teasingly.

"Why must you always be in my line of sight when I am looking, Klis'hu'mish? Don't you have anything better to do then to be the center of everyone's attention as well as their vision?" Hashabero's silvery voice was only slightly annoyed with the little mare's antic's. He arches a brow, "Perhaps if you actually took the time to look at the sky you're flying around in you'd see what it is that I'm looking at." Now there was a hint of challenge in his voice for the mare.

"Pish! Is that so? I'm sure I can see anything you can...probably better too since I have the best view!" she strokes the air strongly with her snow white wings. "So what is it that you're looking at?" Klis finally asks giving into her curiosity. She'd been wondering this about the stallion for days and now she hoped to finally know the reason why.

"The shape of the clouds." is the short answer. The mare's response to this was indigation.

"The shape of clouds?! Of course I can see the shape of clouds they're everywhere! Clouds!" Klis throws her wings out wide in exclamation.

"Yes, well they're always different and I like to imagine what they look like...have you honestly never played that game when you were a foal, Klis?" Now, the stallion was both puzzled and defensive.

"Oh..." Klis now takes another look and tries to imagine what the clouds look like. "No, I didn't..I was too busy trying to fly." She coasts about a bit and then glides away.

"Well, I guess that explains it." a soft voice like the sound of hoofsteps in soft snow comes from a small nai stallion with snowflake markings and bells around his neck. "She's a single minded lady, Hashabero." The little stallion was most definitely amused.

Hashabero smiles to Lihas'cresla, "So she is indeed and it will probably get her introuble someday."

Lihas chuckles, "It may well get all of us in trouble someday. Looking forward to it we are."



To the Rose Garden

All paints are from The Silver Unicorn.