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Tuesday, 1 February 2005
turning in to time
Today is Tuesday and it's the first day of Febuary. The weather is cool! Oh my god. I have still not mail my mail, go to do it tomorrow.Honestly, yesterday I broke a tea jar when i am making some deserts out of chocolates and rice pops. Blah! The glass jar was broken and so was my lovely food. Urgh..such a waste.

Here's lindsay's Over:
I watched the walls around me crumble
but its not like I wont build them up again
so here's your last chance for redemption
So take it while it lasts cause it will end
And my tears are turning into time
I've wasted trying to find a reason for goodbye

I can't live without you
Can't breathe without you
I dream about you,honestly
tell me that it's over
cause if the world is spinning and I'm still living
It won't be right if were not in it together
tell me that it's over

And I'll be the first to go
Don't wanna be the last to know

I won't be the one to chase you
but at the same time your the heart that I call home
I'm always stuck with these emotions
and the more I try to feel the less I'm whole
My tears are turning into time
I've wasted trying to find a reason for goodbye

I can't live without you
Can't breathe without you
I dream about you, honestly
tell me that it's over
cause if the world is spinning and I'm still living
It won't be right if were not in it together
tell me that it's over

And I'll be the first to go
Yeah, I'll be the first to go
Don't wanna be the last to know

Over, Over, Over

My tears are turning into time
I've wasted trying to find a reason for goodbye

I can't live without you
Can't breathe without you
I dream about you, honestly
tell me that it's over
cause if the world is spinning and I'm still living
It won't be right were not in it together
tell me that it's over

I can't live without you
Can't breathe without you
I dream about you, honestly
tell me that it's over

Honestly tell me
Honestly tell me

Don't tell me that it's over
Don't tell me that it's OVER

Posted by me5/courage at 7:02 PM WST
Updated: Tuesday, 1 February 2005 7:07 PM WST
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Sunday, 29 August 2004

On Friday, i went to the Peak with Crystal, Alan and Billy. We met in Admirlty station, then we walked to the Peak tram station. We rode the peak tram for 10 dollars. There are many mainland ppl. It was fun. We then wak\lked to buy a Q cake to eat and then we ate some donut and drunk some smoothies~tastes like medicine.After that, we walked to the Peak. We arrived there at about 6:30pm. It was quite smoggy but then at night the sky became clearer. It was fun!

Yesterday, i went to cut my hair in Yau ma Teiwith Yuen Tze. It was quite short in the front. Then we went to shopping in Mong Kok. I bought a shirt, stationaries. And then we ate BBQ buffet in a korea restaurant. It was nice and the place was crowded. ^^ Gotto meet mum say la

Posted by me5/courage at 11:28 AM JST
Updated: Sunday, 5 September 2004 1:20 PM JST
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Tuesday, 17 August 2004
day to Tai Po!!
Last Sunday 15/8 went Tai Po to ride bicycle with Melanie and Joyce :) I wake up at 6:30! Ho early and arrive at Tai Wall station at about 8:00. We went to Joyce house to play Monopoly(ho long time no play la), Game of Life, Mastermind (the first time i played), ho ho play ar ^^
And then we ate some special salad and have some drinks. We then go to lend bikes, Joyce 's dad drove us there. Me and Melanie each lent a bike for $50. We ride the bicycle for about 3.5 hours. We ate some tofu desert in some where called tah mei toh. It's yummy. The weather is hot and sunny but it's fun though. It had been about 1 year i haven't ride a bike. It is also the longest trip i ever had. Melanie and Joyce are good at cycling ar, maybe "practice makes perfect" la.And then i went to eat dinner with my family and grandparents in Pek king restaurant in Causeway Bay. We ate roasted ducks!

Posted by me5/courage at 11:02 PM JST
Updated: Tuesday, 17 August 2004 11:10 PM JST
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Wednesday, 11 August 2004
I am so angry ar, i lost a blue ink pen in the BC class, i don't know where it went...if i know who took my pen, i will "kill" him or her, it's so fcukin annoying. Just fcuk the person!!
And need to be more careful la every seconds +
Today is CE result give day.Went school at about 8:30 to be a helper. Not many people come to our school in the morning but more are coming in afternoon. I ate Mc donald's at school. There were Vikkie( F.6 girl ), Tina, Vivian, Cherrie, KellyC, Michelle, Alfard..many people.

Posted by me5/courage at 8:08 PM JST
Updated: Wednesday, 11 August 2004 8:11 PM JST
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Tuesday, 10 August 2004

Last Saturday i went¶ Causeway bay gei Central Library with Yuen at about 10:15am ^^ There were not much people in the library, there were plenty of seats ar. borrowed a few books ar**
And then we went to had lunch in some Jap restaurant called "eight men one pearl" Yummy..Afterthat we went to toy R rus ^^ (hoho see)and the park'n' shop, Sogo supermarket and other shops
Then i went to the TOEFL class again lu
Today go to see...
and then i went to library with Melanie to finish the toefl HW, i really feel "thanks for not being angry that i am late ar, Melanie :) " Luckily we had enough time to finish it ^'
After toefl i took ferry home as usual, ho many ppl ar..

Posted by me5/courage at 10:18 PM JST
Updated: Tuesday, 10 August 2004 10:39 PM JST
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Tuesday, 3 August 2004
nice movie!!
Today i wake up at about 9 and then i went to Olimpic City. I met Yuen, Meggie at about 10:15 near the cinema. We then go to Park in shop for a walk. After that, we watch the movie "i, robort". I and Yuen shared a B popcorn for Breakfast ar^^..The movie is hoho see ar, i t ' s exciting a r!>.<
And then i and Yuen went to Mong kok to shop and see things.The street is hot ar, however i think the shops are interesting. I bought a shirt and so as Yuen ^^.They are pretty!
After that, i went to the TOEFL in Central. I am in such hurry that i walk-run to there..luckily i am not late. I went home by star ferry.

Posted by me5/courage at 8:48 PM JST
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Friday, 30 July 2004
Day for school
Yesterday, went to school for extra class~ Geography..Ms Lam 's teaching quite great, i understand them^^
After the class, i went to CRC supermarket with Yuen, Chris and Jenny^^,i ate pudding with Chris, they're not too sweet so they are nice.
After that i went to HMV (for a couple of looks at CDs and DVDs)^^ and Muji with Jenny in TST and then i went to the class in YMCA.
That class is teaching about "Summaries", it's not easy's the least boring class i had in there, it made me think quite a lot.
Anyway i went to Mong Kok with Yuen to eat lunch :) ,we went to a japaness fastfood and then we walked around shops.
At about 3,i went to class of TOEFL. I had my 1st TOEFL class and they give back the model test i had last time, the marks weren't really nice, acturaly i didn't expect much too,the test is HARd lor ;(

Posted by me5/courage at 7:12 PM JST
Updated: Friday, 30 July 2004 7:13 PM JST
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Wednesday, 28 July 2004
Trip To sHaTin
I went to the class in the morning in TST's YMCA..3 hours ar, ho long ar, today teach la reported speech~it's quite important oph..then i went home n ate my lunch
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
And then i met Lorraine near her house around 2 ^^,
we went to shatin ar.. many ppl in shatin, we walk la~i bought a hair ban costs $6, take sticker photo la, go to Snoopy land tim~ my 1st visit, i havn been there before, it's a cute place with many nice cartoons >.<
We wanted to walk to ¼“c•S‰Ý ga(actually i havn't been there yet,so what's that?) But time flies, need to go home n eat dinner so we ride KCRC to Hung Hom to home. Lorraine came to my house n see photos n had some snacks^^ hehe..he

Posted by me5/courage at 12:14 AM JST
Updated: Tuesday, 10 August 2004 10:35 PM JST
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Monday, 26 July 2004
I'm recovered from fever
Yeah..Yesterday i finally finished my medicine^^I can eat and drink whatever i like. In the morning, i drank milk..4 dys havn drink tastes better than before,yum..At about nine, i went to play golf with daddy in Jordon's City Golf..It is as sunny as usual,arh...gettin darker and darker la, anyway i put on some sun-screen lotion^^ 2 hours golf..quite boring,lots of ppl playing ar, i also bought a QOO drink --hehe
I went to eat lunch with daddy in MC donald's
- -- - -- - --
At dinner,we went to PIZZA HUT. They were so many ppl waiting for seats. We wait to, but after 25 minutes we left, we ate the pizza at home. I met Rachel there too:)

Posted by me5/courage at 9:08 PM JST
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Saturday, 24 July 2004
not feeling well
It's the 4th day i having fever,just so stupid..From wednesday to now arh...i hope i will recover soon..The doctor said something wrong with my respirary system..-_-"
Maybe it's the weather in Hong Kong, humid,argh..

Posted by me5/courage at 1:30 PM JST
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