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The Realization of How It's Always Been
Provincials 2004

Alright, this was seriously one of the, for lack of a better word, funnest times of my life. We had such a great time and put on an awesome performance. Even though we didn't win the official title, we all felt like we had in the end. What an experience! So without further ado... the PICTURES!

The Way There

This is Mom and Sara! I think this was after we got back but I don't care, we can pretend it was on the way!

This is Amber in our van. She sat next to me... Rosetta was on the other side but, for some reason, I have no picture of her in the van. How absurd! Sara, Jamie, Justin, Rosetta and I got to chill in the ever-so-roomy rental van instead of the Moby van. It was a grando time!

This is Sara, Jamie and Justin, the other passengers of the van. Sara's mom, whom we all just call mom, is driving and I guess you can kinda see her!

This be the Moby van, what everyone else travelled in. Seriously, that thing is so pimp haha it just wasn't really roomy enough for all the stuff that had to be packed in there.


This is all of us chillin in Humpty's waiting for our food. Twas a good time... we were so loud I'm sure all the rest of the people there were so annoyed with us!

This is Amber and Eric at our table. She dissed him really bad so that's why he's glaring. It was a hilarious diss but I just can't remember what it was! Isn't that sad? LOL.

Me, Rosetta and Sara all originally had spoons on our noses but Eric took too long to take the picture so mine and Sara's fell off. If you look closely on the other side of Rosetta, you can see my butt cuz I'm retrieving my spoon from the floor.

This is Rachel and Kate eating their "Bangers". Yes, the sausage meal there is called a banger... how odd...


This is Justin, Rosetta and Jamie sitting at a table in the mall. Yes, it was rather an empty mall so we were pretty quick to get bored.

This is at Bootlegger in the mall where Rosetta poses in the hottest dress ever!

This is Me, Rosetta and Amber's room. We had an awesome time just chillin. We mostly spent our time jumping on the beds and such. Jamie and Sara were in our room most of the time. It was so hip and happenin in there!

This is a sneaky picture I took of Rosetta sleeping. She'll probably shoot me later for it but that's okay. This kid is such a deep sleeper! She didn't even flinch when my flash went off!

This is our grando crew. They were all so quiet and shy but they were the coolest cats ever!

I called these two the "HAPPY COUPLE" the whole time we were there. I don't really know why, I just said it one day and it stuck. They must've gotten so annoyed with me.


The Dance was by far the best part of the whole thing! I have more pics of this but I might be murdered if I put them on so I only chose these select few!

This is Rosetta and Patty getting their grooves on. Awww yeah!

This is Jamie and the freakin lobster. I think it was Travis' that he bought while we were there. That thing was all around the dance but somehow seemed to get back to us in the end!

Another lobster pic... of me!

The Awards

This was my table at the awards. As you can see (or maybe not), we had a great time!

Here are some crazy people with alot of time on their hands. Well, actually, we were all waiting for the awards to start (took forever) so I guess they just found a way to conquer the boredom.

Here's our crew. I think they got the runner up for best technical award. HOORAY!!!

This is Mrs. Burgher. She got an award for being involved with Drama for 15 years or more.

Here's our "Chaperones" or adults, if you will, standing proudly in front of our special sign!

Here's a pic of our entire cast minus Daniel, cuz he got really sick :(