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The Life and Work of Caroline

To answer the question that a few too many people have asked, "What is up with Caroline?"

Where do you want to start today?

a picture of meThis is the site if you have ever had to answer a query about Caroline and didn't know the answer or hardly ever see your good friend and want to make sure that everything a-ok. Or, perhaps, you didn't know how to get a hold of Caroline or when she was available to be seen or maybe you need something else entirely... Well, my friend this is the site for you, yes, this very site will supply all you need to know about what makes Caroline tick and much, much more. So, dive in and explore all this site has to offer, current happenings in Caroline's life, insites into her spiritual life and somethings to ponder yourself, find out the important people in her life, the places she has been, things that she thinks are funny, what her favorite places and who her favorite authors are, and most importantly, how you can contact her in person.