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My Pictures

My Pix

me and the second floor Grace girls: Maria, Maren, Beth and Somer
Kristin and me on Halloween
Rhonwen and Me with this weird blue guy that we saw on the streets of Minneapolis
Tara, Me, and Jess
Rhonwen's B-day
Marnie and Me
on the pot.....I swear I don't remember this one being taken of me
Kristin and me at the Maroon 5 concert
my best friend's baby-Devin
My little cousin Jana....isn't she a doll?
Jordan, Kaleb and I nannied for
my favorite little boy...Kaleb
Graduation....Katie, me, and Beth
Katie and me before the club
me and randi
beth, katie and me
me and katie
click here if u wanna see more