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About Alanna

Alanna michelle
Cresent moon
Anime club


Name:Alanna Michelle(in Hawain it means "Beautyful Blue Sky"
Birthdate:September 11 1990
Hobbies:Working with animals,horse care
working with animals,art,clay sculpting.
Favorite food:Sushi(sea foods)
Least favorite food:grits.
Best friends:Jessica.
Favorite animal:Horse(zebras too)
Favorite color:Any shade of purple,baby blue and baby pink.
Favorite subject in school:P.E.,Art,computers.
Least favorite subject:EVERYTHING ELSE!
Strong points:God,Love,beauty within,Spirit,Horses,Free on weekends,anime.
Fears:Roller Coasters(after Buffalo Bill at State line NV theres NO WAY!lol.
Dream:To be a bride,Have a Horse Ranch for Wild Mustangs.