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                للرجوع الى الصفحة الرئيسية


[1] A.M.El-Naggar and A.M.Abd-Alla, Dynamical problems of thermoelastic solids, J. Earth, Moon and Planets, Vol. 34, pp.201-211, (1986).

[2] A.M.El-Naggar and A.M.Abd-Alla, On a generalized thermo-elastic problems in an infinite cylinder under , J. Earth, Moon and Planets, Vol. 37 , PP.213-223, (1987).

[3] A.M.El-Naggar and A.M.Abd-Alla, On the dynamical problem of granular medium in a thermelastic solid infinite cylinder, Bull. Fac. Sci., Assiut Univ., Vol. 16, pp. 155-173, (1987).

[4] A.M.Abd-Alla, Generation of waves in an infinite micropolar elastic solid body under initial stress, J. Astrophysics and Space Science, Vol.189, pp. 175-183, (1991).

[5] A.M.El-Naggar and A.M.Abd-Alla, Rayleigh waves in magneto-thermoelastic half-space under initial stress, J. Earth, Moon and Planets, Vol.45, pp. 175-185, (1989).

[6] A.M.Abd-Alla, Thermal stress in a transversely isotropic circular cylinder due to an instantaneous heat source, J. Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 68, pp. 113-124, (1995).

[7] A.M.El-Naggar, A.M.Abd-Alla and S.M.Ahmed, on the rotation of a non-homogeneous composite infinite cylinder of orthotropic material , J. Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol.69, pp. 147-157, (1995).

[8] A.M.Abd-Alla, A problem on wave propagation in hyperelastic media, Jour. Math. Sci., Vol. 27, pp.181-191, (1993).

[9] A.M.Abd-Alla, Effect of initial stress on propagation of axisymmetric waves along a hollow cylinder, Bull. Fac. Sci., Assiut Univ., Vol.23, pp.39-53, (1994).

[10] A.M.Abd-Alla, Thermal stress problem in an elastic half-space, Bull. Of The Calcutta Mathematical Society, Vol.87 , pp. 113-118, (1995).

[11] A.M.El-Naggar, A.M.Abd-Alla and S.M.Ahmed, Rayleigh waves in a magnetoelastic initially stressed conducting medium with the gravity field, Bull. Of The Culcutta Mathematical Society, Vol. 86. pp. 243-248. (1994).

[12] A.M.El-Naggar, A.M.Abd-Alla and S.M.Aahmed, The stresses in a rotation of a non-homogeneous composite cylinder of isotropic material, Sohag Pure & Sci. Bull., Fac. Sci. Sohag, Vol. 10, pp.183-196, (1994).

[13] A.M. El-Naggar, A.M.Abd-Alla and S.M.Ahmed, Influecce of gravity and initial stress on the propagation of waves in an orthotropic elastic medium, Rev. Roum. Sci. Tech. Mec. Appl., Tome 40, No. 2-3, pp.403-408, (1995).

[14] A.M.Abd-Alla, Propagation of Rayleigh waves in an elastic half-space of orthotropic material, J. Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol.99, pp.61-96, (1999).

[15] A.M.Abd-Alla and S.M.Ahmed, Rayleigh waves in an orthtropic thermoelastic medium under gravity field and initial stress, J. Earth, Moon and Planets, Vol.75, pp.185-197, (1996).

[16] A.M.Abd-Alla, A.N.Abd-Alla and N.A.Zeidan, Transient thermal stress in a rotating non-homogeneous cylindically orthotropic composite tubes, J. Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol.105, pp.253-269, (1999).

[17] A.M.Abd-Alla, A.N.Abd-Alla and N.A.Zeidan, Transient thermal stresses in a spherically orthotropic elastic medium with spherical cavity, J. Applied Mathematics and computation , Vol.105, pp.231-252, (1999).

[18] A.M.Abd-Alla, The effect of initial stress and orthotropy on the propagation waves in a hollow cylinder, J. Applied Mathematics and Computation, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 106, pp.237-244, (1999).

[19] A.M.Abd-Alla, On a generalized thermoelastic interaction in an unbounded body due to a line heat source, Tensor Society, Vol. 60, pp.8-17, (1998).

[20] A.M.Abd-Alla and S.M.Ahmed, Propagation of love waves in a non-homogeneous orthotropic elastic layer under initial stress overlying semi infinite medium, J. Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 106, pp.265-275, (1999).

[21] A.M.Abd-Alla, A.N.Abd-Alla and N.A.Zeidan, Thermal stresses in a non-homogeneous orthotropic elastic multilayered cylinder, J. Of Thermal Stresses, Vol.23, pp.313-428, (2000).

[22] A.M.Abd-Alla, Transient response of infomogeneous transversely isotropic thermoelasttic cylinder to a dynamic input, J. Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 74, pp.1-13, (1996).

[23] A.M.El-Naggar, A.M.Abd-Alla, M.A.Fahmy and S.M.Ahmed, Thermal stresses in a rotating non-homogeneous orthotropic hollow cylinder, Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 39, pp. 41-46, (2002).

[24] A.M.Abd-Alla, A.M.El-Naggar and M.A.Fahmy, Magneto-thermoelastic problemin non-homogeneous isotropic cylinder, Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.39, pp. 625-629, (2003).

[25] A.M.El-Naggar, A.M.Abd-Alla and S.R.Mahmoud, Analytical solution of electro-mechanical wave propagation in long bones, J. Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 119, pp. 77-98, (2001).

[26] A.M.Abd-Alla and S.M.Ahmed, Stoneley and rayleigh waves in a non-homogeneous orthotropic elastic mesium under the influence of gravity, J. Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 135, pp.187-200, (2003).

[27] A.M.El-Naggar, A.M.Abd-Alla and M.A.Fahmy, The propagation of thermal stresses in an infinite elastic slab, j. Applied Mathematics and Computation, (In Press).

[28] A.M.Abd-Alla and N.A.Zeidan, Thermal stresses in the rotation of a non-homogeneous composite infinite cylinder of orthotropic material, Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci., Vol. 23, pp.1-16, (2001).

[29] A.M.Abd-Alla, Propagation of thermoelastic waves in a non-homogeneous infinite cylinder of isotropic material, accerted for publication in J. Applied Math. and Computation, (2003).

[30] A.M.Abd-Alla, H.A.H.Hammad and S.M.Abo-Dahb, Rayleigh waves in a magnetoelastic half-space of orthotropic material under influence of initial stress and gravity field, J. Applied Math. and Computation, (In Press).

[31] A.M.Abd-Alla, H.A.H.Hammad and S.M.Abo-Dahb, Magneto-thermo-viscoelastic interactions in an unbounded body with a spherical cavity subjected to a periodic loading, J. Applied Math. and Computation, (In Press).

[32] A.M.Abd-Alla, H.A.H.Hammad and S.M.Abo-Dahb, Propagation of Rayleigh waves in generalized magneto-thermoelastic orthotropic material under initial stress and gravity field, Accepted for publication in Internat. J. Math. Sci., (2005)

[33] A.M.Abd-Alla, H.A.H.Hammad and S.M.Abo-Dahb, Generalized magneto-thermoelastic Rayleigh waves in a granular medium under influence of gravity field and initial stress, Accepted for publication in Sound and Vibration, (2005).

[34] A.M.Abd-Alla, H.A.H. Hammad and S.M.Abo-Dahb, Generalation of Rayleigh waves in generalized magneto-thermoelastic orthotropic material under initial stress and gravity field, Submitted for publication in Journal Thermal Stresses (2005)


Prof. A.M.Abd-Alla

Mathematics Department, Faculty of Science,

 Sohag, Egypt.