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Computer Addiction


Thesis statement


     Although some people say that using computers all time wouldn’t be harmful for them and it gives them more experience, overuse of computers has many bad effects such as physicals problems, affects family relations  and academic study.


I. Abstract

     Computer addiction is a very harmful to us. Although it is a new kind of addiction, it spreads all over the world and affects on all ages.  Many people suffered from this problem because it effected negatively on them.  It has stolen many important things from them such as health, family and time to study.   I think that something must be done to those who overuse computers and internet.  For example, they should try hard to  stay less time on the internet.  Also, they should join some centers that could help them to get red of this problem.










II. Terms of Reference


     This research was written as part of the coursework for Visa 4 at Zayed University.  It gives the reader information about the bad effects of overusing computers and internet.  The information was obtained from books, the internet and databases.  The research will show the problems that caused by overusing and internet and how it can effects negatively on health, family relation and academic study.



III. Introduction

     Computer has become an important machines in our life.  It plays a vital role in all fields of the life.  When we add the internet to this small machine it becomes a big world that could attract many people to enter it and live in it.  Moreover, they would become more friendly with it and spend most of their time dealing with it until they fell in a big problem which is called an internet addiction.  Although some people say that using computers all time wouldn’t be harmful for them and it gives them more experience, overuse of computers has many bad effects such as physicals problems, affects family relations  and academic study. “  Maressa Hecht Orzack who works as a psychologist at McLean Hospital in Belmont, MA, has made a career of studying and treating Internet addiction, which she says can be just as dangerous as alcoholism or drug abuse.”( Green).




IV.  Physicals Problems


     Overusing computer causes many physical problems.  Although it is very harmful to the health and it harms wrists, ache neck cramp and the eyes tear, people who are addicted to their computers don’t seem to care about their health (Ken Moon).

     Overusing computer causes many problems such as, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome(CTS) (Moon).  This serious disease is a result of typing for long time. That means you are using your fingers tips for long periods.  This can lead to problem in supplying the Oxygen and when it prevents the Oxygen to reach to the cells of your fingers, then the cells begin to work without Oxygen, which calls ( anaerobically) (Moon).  The last result is that cells produce lactic acid which causes pain in the muscles.  This kind of cells action will not stop until you stop typing and stop using your fingers.

      Another problem is  eating irregularities such as skipping meals is one of the physical symptoms of overusing computer (Maressa Heacht Orzack, Ph.D.)  Moreover, computer has changed the sleeping time of those who are addicted to it.  It is very difficult for them to shut down the computer while their friends are online.  Sometimes they online until 2 or 4 am and they have to wake up at 6 for school or work.   In this situation, they will sleep only for 2 or 3 hours while the normal duration for sleeping is 8 hours at least (Vatche Bartekian).


V.  Family Relations

     Addicted to computer not only don’t care about their health, but they are also neglecting their family.  “Early in 1995 New York, psychiatrist Ivan Goldberg, MD, announced the appearance of  a new addiction: people abandoing  their family obligations to set gazing into their computer monitor as the surfed the internet” (Federwisch). 

     When the computer set enters any house, it could change the whole life of the family and affect on the relation between the members of the family.  The parents begin to neglect their children and the children become isolationist (Fearing).  For example, a woman who became divorced and lived alone with her children.  When her ex-husband came to visit them, he found that she was neglecting her children.  Then he knew that she spends more than 10 hours online and chats with people ( William J.Cromie).   If this woman is not caring about her health, she has to care about her children.  Who knows what would the children do in these 10 hours alone.

     Sometimes the result could be an accident and the reason is those parents who neglect their children to waste their time using computer and internet.  “Addicted online users tend to use the internet as an excuse to avoid needed, but reluctantly performed daily chores such as doing the laundry, cutting the lawn or going to grocery shopping” (Bartekian).  He added an example of mothers who ignore their children such as forgetting bring them from school, make the dinner and put them in bed  because she wants to continue her working in the computer (Bartekian).

      In addition to that, computer and internet may also affect children’s behavior.  The more the children stay online the more isolationist-alone- they become (James Fearing, Ph.D).  Gray ( 15 years old ) spends from 3 to 4 hours using the computer and  5 to 6 hours in weekends.  His mother says that Gray has many problem socially. He doest make friends too much and he always neglect doing his household chores  (Griffiths).



VI. Academic Study

      Being addicted to computer that means they spend most of their time in front of your screen.  If they do that, how can you find enough time to study and do your homework? According to the article (Orzack), overusing computer can effect negatively in children in school or adults in college.  Teachers say that children grades became less and student usually sleep in class (Orzack, Ph.D.)  There are a lots of students whose grades fall down because they spent most of their time on the computer, chatting, sending e-mails, playing games or downloading songs.  Internet addiction affects  all ages of people from high school student to adults in work (Green).

     Some students say that the internet and computer help them to do the best on school or college.  For example, Stephen Maass , a student in Arts school, said that he spend 4 hours every day to use the internet for designing his web site and which is a part of his study.  He added that he uses the internet and computer to do his academic researches and he doesn’t  let the computer waste his time (Elon Green).  However, there are few people who are spending most of their time on computer to support their study and the most of them their grades have been suffered and fallen down because their addiction to the computer. William J. Cromine told us about one of these students.  He said that a boy (14 years old) sent an e-mail to Maressa Hecht Orzack, a Harvard University, to say that he became a computer addicted since he was 11 and he needed help from her.  He Also told her that his grades fall down from 3.8 to 1.3 after using computer. Also, Fernandes said that the internet effected his work in school.  “If I spent as much time studying as I do on the Web, my GPA would be up a whole point” (Green).

VII. Conclusion

     In conclusion,  Overusing computer and internet is a very serious problem and it has many bad effects among our social, physical and academic life.  It causes many physical problems.  Also It has deeply effects on relations between family and It is a real threat to the academic study.  ” There is no doubt that internet usage among the general population will start to increase over the next few years” (Griffiths). 



VIII. Recommendation

     The question now who we can solve this dangerous problem?  As I see it, people who are addicted to computer must work hard to get red of this problem because it is not easy thing.  They should start with taking many steps in the beginning in order to be able to solve this problem completely.  For example they can put a reminder that can remind them to take short breaks (Lang).  Also, they have to put a planning schedule for the time of using computer per week and month and try to make this duration less day after day. Another important thing is to avoid using computer and internet by spending more time with the family, talking with them.  Also, they have to remember that they have friends who need cares from them and I think it will be nice if they could share them some hobbies that could be away from computer such as collecting stamps, having pets, fishing and sailing.


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