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Zoltan Carnovaush

Salutations brave travellers, by entering this realm you have opted to leave the world of logic and normality behind. Many have braved crossing this threshold of sanity to enter, few have returned. How will you fare?

Zoltan Carnovaush

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The screename comes from the genius of Roberta Williams' classic seven disc horry mystery game To the unfamiliar I have written a short review of the game for you.

Adrienne Gordon Donald Gordon

After trading their noisy Boston condo for a bizarre gothic mansion on a small off-shore island along the New England coastline, Adrienne and Donald Gordon are slowly enveloped in a mystery of boundless, supernatural proportions. What is the secret that is locked inside this place, that infects this house? There's the previous owner, Zoltan Carnovaush, the famous illusionist who died inside its walls a hundred years ago. What kind of magic was he really into? What happened to the many wives who shared his shadowy world? Didn't he have a couple of children, a little boy and girl? As you take on the role of Adrienne, you are doomed to become the center of attraction for this horrifying entity.

Zoltan Carnovaush

Zoltan Carnovaush was a highly respected, wealthy, world renowned stage magician in the closing years of the nineteenth century who became demoralised over his inability to perform real magic as opposed to the mere "tricks" he conducted in front of his audiences in his "Phantasmagoria" show. To alleviate his concerns, he purchased a spellbook dedicated to the black arts that allowed him to carelessly summon from the dark depths of the underworld "an evil who has no name" which is the ultimate cause of the horrible events chronicled in Phantasmagoria. Once possessed by this evil demon, Carno soon slid into the cunning depravity of a serial killer.

The Demon

Over a period spanning a decade, Carno married five times and secretly killed each of his mostly unsuspecting wives when they either tired of his inconsistent behaviour or he grew weary of their own personalities. It all began with the shovelling soil down the mouth with a sharp bladed trowel murder of Hortencia who gradually preferred gardening to spending time with her deranged husband, and relentlessly continued with the wine bottle in the eye socket slaying of the drunken Victoria. Three more gruesome murders of his wives followed - each more perversely inventive than the last - before Carno's final wife's lover, Gaston, impaled the evil magician on an iron pole with his dying breath. As the demon left his body, Carno made the Sign of the Cross before his soul departed to the spirit world for repentance.

Zoltan murdering Hortencia in the greenhouse

Zoltan Carnovaush appears as a gray haired middle aged man of average build with a piercing gaze. He speaks with a vague Italian accent and his preferred clothing includes a smoking jacket and traditional magician's attire - a long cape and top hat.

The Amazing Carno

Zoltan Carnovaush and events listed above are fictional genres from Roberta Williams' classic horror mystery CD ROM

Definition and Origin of the word

That term came from a reference book on the history of magic and magicians. The term "phantasmagoria" refers to a 17th century "scary" theatrical show in which people would be led into a darkened theatre in which "spirits of the dead" would be revealed. The proprietors of the show would use something called a "magic lantern" which was like a primitive forerunner of a projector. It was basically a lantern in which glass slides were inserted. On these glass slides were painted very detailed pictures of people once alive. Somehow, it was able to project an image of this "person" onto a very translucent, gauzy cloth which was hung across the stage (in the darkened theatre, the translucent cloth wasn't noticeable). Then, a brazier, on the stage right behind the cloth, was lit sending up wisps of smoke. The image on the cloth was also projected onto the smoke which gave it a surreal, "floating" appearance. Also, appropriate music and sound effects were added to make this a very scary show. Many people thought that it was real - that there really were spirits of dead people there in the room with them. Sometimes, women would faint. This was called a "phantasmagoria show".

Author's Notes

Now that you have read all about the origins of my AOL screen name Zoltan Carnovaush , we can get down to the whole purpose of this webpage - the display of things I like and find amusing. Now because that criteria is always being changed and new amusing things happen to me all the time, the page will be similarly updated. Hopefully soon I will have some of my drawings scanned and posted, as those are worthy of my homepage, plus it saves me the trouble of having to carry all my sketch books and drawings around, now I can just hand out my URL . Enjoy yourselves while you're here and try not to get incriminated by attempting to re create situations you may read about. (evil laugh)

UPDATE: 4/30/02 - I have just gathered some pictures and created a new gallery known as the Asshole Archives, more details inside

UPDATE: 3/4/03 - There are some new updates to be added to this page, for one the Evil Red Saturn has died on 1-12-03 with 109,885 miles after eating a guardrail on Route 43 in Ohio. Its replacement, a 2003 Dodge Neon SXT will be pictured here soon.

From here on out it gets really scary.....

And Now For Something Completely Different

About Me

My Zodiac and Tarot Profile

Asshole Archives

Bugatti Royale

Tucker Torpedo




World's Ugliest Cars

The Great Eastern

U.S. Mints and Coins

My Poems


Amusing Things

Why its Great to be a Man

Stupid Labels

The Microsoft Car

Ever Wonder?

Only in America

Nuremberg Defendants


Warped Comics

Anti Bin Laden Propaganda

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