~*° Quotes °*~

...:::: What is beautiful is good , and who is good will soon also be beautiful ::::....

....:::: Live Life The FuLLeSt , BeCause the FuTuRe is ScarCe :::....

....:::: Live to smile , smile to Live ::::....

....:::: Do What U liKe , LikE whaT u Do ::::....

...:::: It's not a lip or an eye we call beauty , but the full joint of all ::::.....

...:::: Carpe Diem - seize the daY ::::.....

...:::: Sticks and stones may break my bones , but words will never hurt me ::::....

...::: True love is not 2 souls coming together but one soul finding the other half :::..

..::: Hope is an universal language :::..

...::: The best kind of friend you can ever have , is the one who you could sit next to , not saying any word , and have the feeling as if you had the best conversation ever :::...

..::: A true friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches you in the heart :::..

..:::Hold fast to dreams , for if dreams die , life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly :::...

..::: Learn from the mistakes of others , you can never live long enough to make them all yourself :::..

**** Nathalie *****