~* In memorian...*~

|8th june 2004|

Dear "nonkel Freddy" (Fred Junes)

I still know how you tought me how to ride a bike, I also remember that you learned me how to use a computer, how to play korfball, how to talk, how to walk.... in fact....you and Tajan learned me almost everything together with my parents...

You were ALWAYS happy, sweet, friendly, funny... I have never seen you angry or bad tempered. Never... You were the most special person I have ever had in my life! You were my 2e father!

I would have done everything for you and you would have done the same for me. I have always loved you so so so much!

That's why I was so down when I heard you had that terrible deceace... We had almost lost you and I didn't know what to do but there happened a miracle...Probably it wasn't your time to leave us.

2 years later, you got sick again...But now it was too late. You knew you had to leave us and you said goodbye to all of us. You have fought, SO HARD, but you were tired and had a lot of pain (altough you have never said that you had pain and you were even more concerned about me when I hade pain in my neck...)

I phoned you...my last call to you, the last time I would have heard your voice and it hurted, yes...very much but I was happy, happy for you, that you didn't have to suffer anymore...You could sleep, sleep forever. I still remember every word you said to me and i will NEVER, NEVER forget them:

Dear... stay strong, don't cry, It's better like this.You understand that? Now I won't have pain anymore! Big big big big kiss....

I also said that I love you and you said that you know that... A half hour later it was time... You wouldn't have to suffer anymore. You would sleep forever. The next day when I came to visit you for the last time, you were lying there and you looked so peaceful, so calmly and you looked so happy. Nobody saw it, but I saw you were laughing...you were really happy that your struggle with life was over. And you looked 20 years younger. You looked great...

Forgive me but I DO HAVE cried... And if I could I would have to stay there longer...A few tairs came down from my eyes because I will miss you so much! It is so hard to believe that you are no longer here with us... However, you will ALWAYS stay in my heart! I will never forget you, what you have done to me and what you have meant for me...

I hope you will rest in peace, I love you and I will miss you ...


Nathalieke....I love you!!!

|12th March 2004|

Dear "REBECCA" (Claire Somers)

A year ago, I came into your life... From the moment I saw you, I just knew you were a woman with a heart from gold. In a short time, you became my friend, I could tell everything to you and we talked many times... You were just like your son...

You were tired of fighting against so many feelings...
We had to say goodbye too soon but it was your wish so we coulnd't be mad about it...
nevertheless we miss you and we wish you didn't have left us...

R.i.P dear Rebecca, we will never forget you!!!!
