~*° Little girl °*~
by Da CaKe!

"you can fight back when others put you down , but you can't fight back when you put yourself down"

*LITTLE GIRL* (written on june 29th, 2002!)

Little girl, given the world,
Mommy and Daddy, there to protect her.
Whatever she wanted, just had to ask,
Handed to her on a silver platter.

Little girl, given the world,
Spoiled through her childhood,
Mommy and Daddy threaten not to care,
They said they wouldn't, she knew they would.

Little girl, given the world,
Did always what she was told early on,
But growing up and getting older,
Soon the obedience was gone.

Little girl, given the world,
Making mistakes as the years pass by,
Mommy and Daddy wish for returned innocense,
It seems all she does now is lie.

Little girl, given the world,
When will her lesson be learned?
Afraid she's a failure, a screw-up, a dud,
Feeling like those good times have burned.

Little girl, given the world,
She's taken for granted, all the things in her life,
She's killing Mommy and Daddy with each passing day,
She's the bringer of stress, of turmoil, and strife.

Little girl, given the world,
In search of pride, lost long ago,
Knowing that soon, she'll be on her own,
Fearing by then she'll have nothing to show.

Little girl, given the world,
Now is your chancee to make it all right,
Mommy and Daddy are at the end of their rope,
Don't wait 'till tomorrow, start with tonight.

Little girl, given the world,
Recollect all of your goals,
Rekindle those dreams and hopes for your life,
Quick - before the grief takes its toll.

Little girl, given the world,
Mommy and Daddy, still there to protect her.
Whatever she wants, just has to ask,
And it's handed to her - on a silver platter.

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