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Warning: I don't own any of these characters, people, or places mentioned.
Pool Sharks

I think that a lot of people wanted to know more about JC, Richard and Anita dating so, here is a fan fiction about what happened between Bloody Bones and The Killing Dance.

I was walking next to Richard through the woods watching all the wildlife. Richard was looking scrumptious in a red sweatshirt and deep blue jeans. I was wearing a white sweatshirt with cupid pointing his arrow at whoever you were facing and faded blue jeans. Richard, thought that it was a cute sweatshirt for the season. Richard suggested that we sit down on some stones to eat the lunch we had packed. I agreed. We unpacked the sandwiches and two thermos’, one of coffee, and one of water. We ate in silence and when we were done Richard and I started to talk about where the 3 way dating was going. “How does he behave on your dates?” “Is he a gentleman, or a as you put it a pain in the ass?” “Richard, he is usually a gentleman, but he sometimes pushes his luck when asking for kisses or holding me close.” “What happened on your last date?” “We went to the theater to see Fiddler on the Roof, and Jean-Claude was trying to insist on having his arm around my waist. I told him no, he could hold my hand but that was it.” “Were you carrying your gun?” “Of course! I never go unarmed after dark. Or in the day for that matter.” “Are you carrying your gun right now?” “Yes.” I showed him my firestar in its innerpants holster. “Can’t you even go on one date hiking in the woods without your gun?” “Richard, remember that people are always trying to hurt or kill me?” “Of course I remember.” “Then do you see my point?” “Not really but if you think you need the gun, then I’ll try to accept it.” “Richard, lets just walk.” “First I want to kiss you because I love you, despite your need to always have guns with you.” We kissed a nearly innocent brush of lips that led to a more probing kiss full of tongues. Richard rubbed his hands up and down my back under the sweatshirt. I was rubbing my hands along his waist and he led me down to lie on the ground. “You are so beautiful, I want here, now.” “Richard you know the rule. If I let this go too much further, Jean-Claude will want to get the same in return, and I don’t know if I want to go this far with him. I want you, but I still want Jean-Claude.” “This is so hard, not being able to do everything normal couples would do.” “I know, it’s just that I don’t want to do everything with Jean-Claude.” That night Larry and I raised 6 zombies between the two of us. It was just a nice normal night. I was glad because I had a date with Jean-Claude the next night. Jean-Claude had suggested that we go to dinner at Angelos, which is a very fine restaurant. Even though he couldn’t taste the food through me, he wanted to watch me eat. I thought that it was silly that he wanted to watch me eat. I was wearing a black ankle length dress with just enough strap to allow a bra. The dress was slit up one side to the middle of my thigh. Jean-Claude was wearing black leather pants that were skin tight, a white sheer peek a boo shirt with solid white satin at the collar, wrists and ruffles down the middle. The shirt was only buttoned to the middle of his chest leaving his cross-shaped scar and back scars visible. He looked like an ad for a wet dream. At Angelos, I ordered a garden salad, steak done medium rare, mashed potatoes, and cheesecake for dessert. “Ma Petite why do you want a garden salad instead of a cesar salad? Or steak medium rare, mashed potatoes and plain cheesecake?” “I like garden salads, I don’t want my steak still bleeding, but I also don’t want it cooked within a inch of its life. I don’t want fries or rice so I got the mashed potatoes and I like my cheesecake plain. I think that fruit on the cheesecake ruins the pure cream cheese flavor.” The next Sunday, Richard and I were watching a Sherlock Holmes movie marathon starring Basil Rathbone, and Richard had made popcorn. The movies weren’t my favorites because they made Dr. Watson out to be a buffoon, but they were still good. Richard and I were laughing a one part and he spilled the bowl of popcorn all over me. I tried to stand up but Richard motioned me to stay where I was. “Let me clean you up.” “How?” Richard just smiled and started to crawl to me. He gently ate each piece of popcorn that was on me using only his mouth. It was an interesting sensation. I was wearing a t-shirt with a caricature of Authur Conan Doyle. When Richard saw the shirt he loved it. I was hoping that the fashion police didn’t get me for the shirt, but if they did, it would be worth it.

I was dreaming of black hair spilling over red silk sheets and midnight blue eyes when the phone rang. “Hello?” “Anita, it’s Dolph, we have a murder and we need your help.” “Ok, Dolph, give me directions.” Dolph gave me directions and after putting coffee in a thermos, I was off to the murder scene. When I got there, Dolph was waiting for me at the perimeter. He motioned me to follow him. All the cops at the scene were being particularly quiet so I said “what’s the big deal on the silence?” “The victim appears to be Brittney Spears.” “That nineteen year old singer?” I asked confused. He just nodded. “Last night, she had a concert here in St. Louis. After the concert, she went back to her hotel. She appears to have disappeared between getting from the car she came back to the hotel in and her hotel room. She never entered the hotel room, and when she didn’t come into the hotel her boyfriend uh…Justin Timberlake called the police.” “So, we know that she has been missing since last night?” “Yes.” After hearing this, I went to where the body was. It was laying in a dried up creek bed. All of her clothes were missing. “Was there evidence of sexual assault?” “No.” Said Detective Perry. I went back to looking at the remains of Brittney Spears. Her throat had been torn out, and her breasts ripped off. You could see the silicone implants in the remains of the breasts. Her intestines were falling out of her stomach. A rank but sweet odor hung over the creek bed. “It looks like a animal with a muzzle opened up her stomach and started to feed.” I said. “So we’re looking for a shapeshifter?” “Yes, probably a wolf, rat, fox, or bear. The animal didn’t appear to feed long because the intestines were barely touched. The throat was just ripped out. If a shapeshifter were to feed, there would be almost nothing left. This appears to be a premeditated kill just for the sake of killing not feeding.” “So, we’re looking for a new shapeshifter?” “Yes, a shapeshifter that doesn’t have a lot of control over its beast. I’ll check with the shapeshifters if there are any new shapeshifters in the area and get back to you. Oh yeah, Dolph I’ll need to speak to the boyfriend.” “Justin, I know that this is a hard time for you, but I need to ask you a few questions about Brittney.” Between sobs Justin managed a "ok.” “When was the last time you saw Brittney?” “Yesterday when we checked into the hotel. She had to go do soundchecks and stuff.” “Did you make plans to meet after the concert at a specific time or place?” “Yes, here at the hotel about one AM.” “When she didn’t show up by one thirty and I couldn’t get a hold of her on her cell phone I called the police.” “Thank you for talking to me Justin.” I left him to his grief. I went home and called Richard. “Richard, its Anita, have there been any new wolves asking to join the pack in the past few months?” “A few.” “Any wolves that are in their first few months as a lycanthrope?” “Yes, as a matter of fact, her name is Jennifer.” “Do you know where she was last night?” “No, does it matter?” “It could, someone was murdered, do you know of any other young lycanthropes new in the area?" “Actually, yes, there is a new werebear named Christina.” “Do you know where she lives?” “Yeah, let me get you the address.” I called up Dolph and told him I had two suspects. We decided to go question them. We decided to question the werebear first. We knocked on Christina’s door and when she answered, we realized that it was Christina Aguliera. I felt a blanket of energy surrounding her. I knew that she was a shapeshifter and suspected that she was new or she wouldn't have moved here. “Christina, where were you last night?” “Oh…I don’t remember.” “Were you attacked by a werebear in the past few months?” “Well actually yes, is there a problem?” “Yes, a young woman was murdered last night. Would you mind coming to the police station and having a few tests run?” “Am I a suspect?” “Do you have a alibi for last night?” “No” “Then would you please come down?” “Ok, if it will clear me.” Later that day… “There were a few strands of fur found on Brittney’s body which match Christina’s. Also some saliva found in the wounds match Christina’s.” “So Christina Aguliera killed Brittney Spears?” Dolph asked incredously “It would appear so, with Christina using her animal form as the murder weapon.” “Christina, I have to inform you that you are under the arrest for the murder of Brittney Spears.” Dolph announced when he entered the room that Christina was waiting in. “What! I killed Brittney? We were rivals true, but I wouldn’t kill her.” “The saliva and hair samples proved without a shadow of doubt that you killed Brittney while you were in animal form.” Dolph said. “How long will I be in jail, I have adoring fans to make music for.” Replied Christina “You are probably looking at the death penalty.”