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tHiS iS mY hEr PaGe!


Rose Divider

AiN't DiS wOnDeRfuL!


KiNzi- girl, 2 many comical times! hehe if ya know what i mean! hehe love ya!

Cuey- hey girlie, we need to hang out again, miss ya tonz!

Char- sista's foeva, lol, whats ur deal, and uh, wishin n hopin n thinkin n prayin! oh my, the music director better be nice :)

Leighanne- chicka u are sane, its almost scary! hehe

Charity- lol, hope ya have a fun summer!

Shirles- duh ur an idiot! he yallz he's gay! LOL ur comedy bud!

Jared- I LOVE YOU! you are the bestest boyfriend anyone could ever ask for! love you tonz n tonz!

Basco- hey chicka, Joe Glass wants you :) hehe

Courtney- no more chocolate ice cream for me! hehe there are monsters in the-dead for real! Lip On Lipz... never forget the awesome timez!hehe, miss you bunches baby! don't turn to wapsieish...

Jefner- kill him a lot! Go to Heck! For Serious now, go to heck! LOL lil jeni bio and don't forget the I fell off my chair... WHACK! wow girl thats all i gotta say!

Chris- you are an awesome friend and i hope that you never come to hate me! lol, you just gotta be a lil bit nicer! lol and we be the BEST dj's 'round! hehe, guess she likes mature boyz! hehe

Josh- you are soo super coolio! ur da bestest! hehe

April- um i dunno nemore

Sarah- howz the gum on ur ass!!! FrEaK! hehe Applebee's! u drive like a fuckin maniac, thats why i am better than u... ur dog hates me

Jessica- haha, you crossed the center line and oh yeah, ur manz at my house tonite! (aka.. mr koala) hmm hehe

Allison- wheres the scary dudes? lol, you are superi niceo! haha!

Brittlez- hey chicka, you are really awesome and ur rite, we do need to chill! CEC! hehe! :) u say when and i'll be there :) hehe, special "ed" scrapbook nerds!

Trish- you are such a sweetie and i think that you are neato burito!lol hehe! CEC SOON!

Billy- ur a dumb fuck!(JUST KIDDING)[he made me put it] ur the best bro and hate me friend~ don't hate me ever! lol

Tasha- im not on crack, im not on crack, im not on crack! LOL freak show! glad ur over corey... he was a nerd! hehe (how nice was that ass again*?)

Brianne- i kill cats-with guns and metal detectors, just kidding, thanks for making this page for me gurl! you are AWESOME! LOVE YA BUNCHES!

Inga- lol say hello to my foot, hello sarah! dur! hehe your comedy! Dixie Normous! lol LOTZ OF LUCK WITH hmm Timmy?

KT- hey baby, ur the coolest girlie ever n ever! love ya bunchez n much!

Eli Baby- ur the bestest, FAR to many comedy times here... hehe! love ya lotz n tonz!

Danielle M- ur way pretty! I am so jealous! i wish that i was you sometimes ya know, i hate who i am! and you seem just soo perfect! you are awesome and never forget that!

Lauren- ur the bestest wifey in the world! hehez! Friends/wives/my daughter foreva!

Zach- u are awesome! lol

Ashley- u are supery neato chicka! can't wait to hang out!

Steph- lol, you are awesome gurl! LOL, you lol too MUCH! hehe

Katy- lol, now i know why they say you are the center of attention at the table! fa sho, gross grub, lol, he is a pretty sexy wrestler! hehe LOL we need to hang out more gurl!

Danny- ur the bestest guy friend ever, thanks for always being there for me to bring me up when im down!

Steverz- i love ya tonz n tonz! bestest friends forever!

Dan (newtda- ur coolio, dont change!

Eric- ur the best, don;t let neone ever tell you any different, i will always be here for ya if ya need me!

Megz- hehe girl ur comical! love ya tonz! our bored page is kick ass! lylas!

Cara- girl ur coolio, hehe i already love ya! hehez!

V-ca!- hey girlie! love ya tonz n tonz! ur freakin comical, we really need to hang out sometime!

Rose Divider


*Stop pulling shit from your ass!

*You're way full of it!

*Coffee, Chocolate, and Boyz....somethings are just better rich!

*If you truely love someone, you will let them go!

*Roses are red, Voilets are blue, God made me pretty, what happened to you?

*I'm not strange, I'm gifted!

*I wasn't kissing him, I was just telling his lips a secret!

*The more I get to know boyz...the more I like dogs!

*I love you not for who you are but for who I am with you~

*No man is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry!

*Just cuz someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love with all they have!

*True freinds is someone who reaches for your hand and touchs your heart!

*Spread your wings and prepare to fly, for you will become a butterfly!

*The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right next to them and knowing that you can't have them!

*Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile!!

*To the world you maybe be one person but to one person you may be the world!

*Don't waste your time on a man who isn't will to waste their time on you!

*Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet that person, we will know how to be greatful!

*Romeo, Romeo, where the hell is MY romeo?!?!

*don't cry cuz it's over, smile becuz it happened!

*There's alwayz going to be people that hurt you, so what you have to do is keep on trusting and be more careful about who you trust next time around!

*Make yourself a better person and know who you are before you try and know someone else and expect them to know you

*Don't try so hard, the best things come true when you least expect them!

*Just remember, things happen for a reason!

*Life is all about bubbles and laughter!

*I beleive that everything you do comes back to you, so everything that I do that's bad, I'm going to suffer for it, but in my heart, I beleive that what I am doing is right, so I feel like I am going to heaven!

*~*i have no time 4 fun i have no time 4 play But i have time 4 u neday*~*

*I was only tryin 2 keep the walls from closin in I was only waitin 'round 4 somethin 2 begin I was only seventeen I told u that it didn't mean a thing

*ThEy SaY kIsSiNg Is Da LaNgUaGe Of LuV..CaRe 2 InDuLgE iN a LiL cOnVo?

*go 2 bed, dream of u thats what I’m doing these dayz

*I dont come with dice-so dont play me.

*Guyz r like roller coasters....they eitha make u sick to ur stomach or give u the time time of your life!-

*2 sweet + 2 b = 4gotten


*lOvE fIsHeS cUz tHiEr So DELiCiOuS...gOtTa gO fIsHiN...I cOulD Go fIsHiN 4 u BuT u aInT eXaCtLy WhAt i CaLL dElioCOUs

*GuYs ArE LiKe CrAyOnS ... 64 Is BeTtEr ThEn OnE

*DONT WASTE YOUR TIME ON A GUY WHO WONT WASTE HIS TIME ON YOU!* (hmm? thats what i am saying...)

LiFe ReAllY sucks... MaKe iT woRth wHiLe!*~*

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