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Friday, April 02, 2004

Work, work work.....I tell ya....I just am not digging the 40 hours a week at Motherhood Maternity. What am I working there for...I don't want kids!

Sunday, March 28, 2004

Man, Im just worn out.

Saturday, March 27, 2004

So last night I had a security guard walk me out to my car...ha, you think I am taking any way. I even checked my back seat...I have seen Urban Legends, ya'll. I know whats up.

Friday, March 26, 2004

Whoa....thats what I got to say. The BTK Slayer resurfacing after 25 years! It's got me freaked out!
Just for those of you who don't know...the BTK SLayer was a serial killer in Wichita back in the 70's. He was never leads ever found...and recently he sent pictures of his last murder (after he killed her) and her driver's license to the Wichita Eagle (the newspaper).
It is soooo crazy. I am locking my doors...

Also, be praying for Aaron, please please please. There were some things going crazy in Fallujah (where he is stationed in Iraq) and I have not heard from him. Keep him in your prayers :)

Wednesday, March 24, 2004 I am talking to Bryant...and he says that I need to update my page more often....

because I guess I haven't been doing my job. So what a better time than now...while Scott's page is having complications (hahaha).

Look for update...eventually.

Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Speaking of it being FOREVER sing I posted.....

Sorry....this is mostly for Scott....since he wants me to at least update my pathetic excuse for a website...right Scottie?

Wednesday, November 12, 2003

Ha...sorry i haven't posted in almost a month. I guess it must have gotton pretty old to see the same thing every time you guys come on the site.

So I get to go to Las Vegas in ONE WEEK. I am so excited! And I get to see Aaron :) Which makes me even happier.

Oh yeah...and if you want an invitation...I better get some addresses from you people! That means you Tyler!!!!!

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