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James Madison University

Club Swimming


Welcome Back! Check out the announcements for the season so far!!


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Welcome to the JMU Club Swimming site!

HERE it is, the JMU Club Swimming site. We might be a small team, but we're slowly growing in size.  Anybody is welcome to swim, whether you have a competitive swimming background or just wanna keep in shape, so come check us out and if you have any questions feel free to e-mail us!

Announcements and Info


First, I would just like to say that it was SOOOO fabulous to see so many of you for the first day of practice...please please keep it up...we're going to have SOOOO much fun!!

If you need informed consent forms and travel form click here and look for the form to download on the page.

What to bring to practice:

1) Signed Informed Consent Form

2) Signed Travel Form

3) Check for dues of $25.00 made out to Sports Club Council


Officers and Meet Info

Check out our fabulous officers and members for the 2003-2004 year as well as meet info that we have right now.


(Picture of officers coming soon!!)

Click here for more announcements and information regarding what went on at the Interest Meeting last week


Photo Album

Fall 2003 Practice Schedule

1st day of practice: Monday, September 8, 4:00 PM @ UREC pool...look forward to seeing you there!

You know you wanna see the amazing stuff we do, so come take a peek in our photo gallery. If you have any pictures that you want on the site, please contact me...I have a bunch that I need to scan in
 All practices take place at UREC and you can come anytime between 4-6.
Day Time
Sunday No practice
Monday 4:00-6:00
Tuesday 4:00-6:00
Wednesday 4:00-6:00
Thursday 4:00-6:00
Friday No practice

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When life tinkles in your pool of dreams, add chlorine, and keep swimming

Questions or comments about the page, feel free to e-mail

This site was last updated 09/09/03