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Konnichiwa Minna-san!
Welcome to Snow Coloured Daydreams V1.2. Take a look around, mostly only my collected cards from TGCs, very fun, very adicting, and links to Graphics sites.

Total cards collected: 118~Total games joined: 9

Ok so I'm going Bookworm crazy, and I'm thinking of joining another card game. To top it off, The cards for AC195 are turning out very well indeed! Just looking around for someone to help me do a layout. Not having fun with that part. Sadly it looks like it won't be up intime for my birthday -_-;; I got second place at the Fantasy Cards Peotry Contest, Took me forever to write that poem, I think I'm going to add the poem in the About Me section. Have a little page for my contest entries.
Joined Bookworm, and just in time too! She sent me my started cards then I got an email shortly after saying that we were allowed a certian number of holiday cards and so forth and got 12 cards! WOW, I'm already up a level because of it.
Also! Got down to cutting the images for my TCG, hopefully if I can get someone to do a layout for me, I will have it up and running by my birthday, the end of May! I'll for sure put a link to the TCG because of Space constraints, I'll have to get a new site. But Woopie! Finnally!
Got some new cards for the Fantasy Trading Card game for Easter, and some for Forever Lovers, from the flower codes that get put on peoples sites. Joined Forever lovers the other day and put all my cards up yesterday ^_^ Loking for another TCG to join, maybe I'll join Bookworm, I like the idea for the cards. Also added a section called "About me" for Quiz results, and survays as well as little bits of information about my fave anime and movies.

Layouts "n" More
Image Credits
Site #1

About Me
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