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The Aspiring S.M. Mitchell

I am my friend. I am my foe. I am myself.
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Hey, welcome to my homepage. When I get time, I hope to change my site to, but I want to save that til I get time to consistently update the site. Anyway. Enjoy what I have now. I have some other things in mind. Just very little time.

Semester Grades: 
Personal Fitness - A 
Activity 10 
Career Development - A+ 1 
Student Comm. Service - Passing (letter grades not given) Art 1 - B+  
Biology 1 - C  
First quarter grades: 
Personal Fitness - A 
Activity 10 
Career Development - A+ 1 
Art 1 - B+  
Biology 1 - C+  

Site Contents 
About the conceited one(me) 
Writing Archives 
Death Wish Boards  
Recently Added 
Sephiroth De Conere` "Pangs of Remorse"
Slamball Review   
Dear MTV  
My regular weekday/school schedule: 
Semester 1: 
Personal Fitness 
Activity 10 
Career Development 1 
Art 1 
Biology 1 

Semester 2: 
Advanced Computers 2 
Activity 10 
Interactive Algebra(I suck at Math) 
Enriched English


What's going on? 


Friday, January 31 - 2003 - 2002:

  • Obviously, I haven't updated in awhile.
  • A few things added. My semester grades. Everyone check out my new writing archives, by the way!
  • My GPA was kind of screwed over by the system. When I dropped Career Development, I took Student Comm. Service. So while the class counted as a class, it counted as a 0 on a scale from 1 to 4 for GPA averaging. Blah. DAMNIT!

    Saturday, November 2 - 2002:

      Currently being rebuilt. Some links are broken. Please bare with me.

    • I got my biology grade back up, and my art. But biology is going to be hard to maintain, going into the second quarter. Keep your fingers *crossed*.

    • I have officially dropped Career Development. It simply wasn't doing what I felt I needed. Fortunately, my teacher was very understanding, and looked into my best interests. As of now, I'm doing a community service class. More specifically, I help with special education students. It's very different. But I'm glad I get a hands on approach, and feel for what it's like to teach, (to some extent), and help others. Also, I get more time to study, and focus on what I think is important, as well as less distraction. All my career development peers deserve a good applause, for their accomplishments though, and I wish them all the best of luck.
      •  *yawns* So much to do. So little time. I really need to launch my Salaazar shrine. This shrine will consist of fanfic, fanart, etc, portraying Salaazar, and Harry, etc. I've been so busy with things, I hardly get time to edit my site. I'll try.

      • Tuesday, August 27 - 2002:

        •  Well, school has officially started. Today, was the second day, but the first full day.  I can tell Biology is going to hit me hard.

        • Besides school, I need to put some more time into my quest for knowledge concerning Java, C++, and Flash. So look out for some new features(although probably within the next decade).

        Friday, August 16 - 2002:
        • Recieved my new altered schedule. Much better. 
        • Recieved my two Alien Workshop hats, and X the movie.
        Tuesday, August 13 - 2002: 
        • I got my Sophomore schedule today. It's alright. Except I'm taking Child Development.  *Writes down note to call the school for alteration of schedule*
        Monday, August 12 - 2002: 
        • capnryan has at long last blessed me with the honor of being a moderator at the Cinescape Harry Potter boards, which probably means absolutely nothing to a person with a life. 

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© Copyright S.M. Mitchell


© Copyright S.M. Mitchell