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What's up all? This is my SITE! i'm liz... and... well, this is my site... yup, well, i suppose i'll cut to the chace and let you have what you want... a TRAINED DANCING MOKEY IN A THONG??? eh? eh? eh? Wanna click the link? I know ya do! go on, click the link, i promise i won't tell!

And for the stories of my trip to austria and france and such, check out this link. However i still haven't gotten any pictures yet... what, 4 months later? yeah... *sigh* Or perhaps for some of the more intellectual of the bunch, you would like to check out some poetry and other stuff by me and some other really cool people. However not all the links are working, but i'm too damn lizy. so deal. Just kidding, i'll get if fixed as soon as i'm done with my play.

Speaking of which, if you would like to see some other really cool and damn sexy bitches, here be my "homies", go check 'em out!!!

La la la... La la LA!!! ...i can't sing, but hey! THESE GUYS CAN! Best bands ever!!!